This is the final module in a series of three throughout the undergraduate programme dedicated to the theme of research, including ORTH 238 and ORTH 241 as well as clinical research themed topics delivered in ORTH 140. It is the culmination of the series where students will choose a specific area of interest that they would like to pursue, in order to produce a comprehensive literature review of the evidence within that particular topic area. Students will be supported throughout by a specified supervisor who has a particular interest within the student’s chosen field of study. At the end of the module, students will be able to competently search and critically evaluate the literature. This module is assessed by a 6000 word literature review. Students will select a topic from a list provided to them that are within orthoptic/ophthalmological practice in which they would like to conduct an in-depth literature review. Once identified, they are required to begin to conduct a literature search and along with guidance from their supervisor, identify a specific area/ research question that they would like to explore. Students must then produce a critical literature review of the relevant research in that area. Students are assigned an individual supervisor who will meet with them at set times throughout the course of conducting the review in order to provide written and verbal feedback on submitted draft work. Submission of drafts are the responsibility of each student. All submitted reviews are double marked and the pass mark for successful completion of the module is 40%.