This module focuses on the application of research. Students will plan a project in small groups, the same basic project idea will be allocated to all students but each group will have the opportunity to develop their own research protocol and make some evidence based decisions. Each group will be given a set of data from the project idea. At the start of the module there will be some lectures and tutorials to develop their project in small groups. The students will have the opportunity to develop the project plan and protocol in their groups and discuss with the tutors to critically evaluate their design. They will also spend time designing the spreadsheet for data collection before the data is given to them to refine and organise. Students will learn to analyse the data using appropriate statistical methods. Throughout the module there will be computer labs (either face-face or online) to support the students, from making evidence based decisions regarding the methodology, to data entry and subsequent statistical analysis and presentation of their data. A large component of this module will be planning the protocol and data analysis where students will be required to work in groups and collaborate with each other. Support is provided throughout the module to ensure appropriate decisions are being made, with either online or face-face small group tutorials where students can be guided in the development of their project and choices of statistical tests.