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Code: ORTH240

Credits: 30

Semester: Semester 2

Through a series of lectures, tutorials, clinical skills and clinical placements, this module develops the theory of orthoptic investigation and management to the investigation and management of incomitant strabismus related to mechanical, myogenic and neurological aetiologies. The module is the fourth in a series of six modules (including ORTH 137, ORTH 140, ORTH 237, ORTH 330, ORTH 335) that occur in each semester of the programme to deliver the fundamental skills and underpinning theoretical knowledge for orthoptic practice. It is underpinned by the relevant generalised neuro-aetiologies covered in the semester one Neurology module (ORTH236) and the relevant anatomy covered in the semester two Neuroanatomy and Osteology module (ORTH242).​ The assessment of the module will be a combination of an unseen 1hr written examination, a 45 minute practical examination, a summative clinical placement mark and a pass/fail reflective clinical portfolio.