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Occupational Therapy Toolkit 2

Code: OCCU272

Credits: 15

Semester: Semester 1

This module develops students’ professional reasoning skills.

This is the third module in the ‘Reasoning in Occupational Therapy’ theme; it builds on information from the first-year modules in this theme and also integrate information from the mind-body performance modules, as students consider the impact of more complex pathology on occupational performance.

Students will consider more complexity in terms of the medical conditions, socio-economic circumstances of the case-study individuals and types of intervention offered by occupational therapists.

This module involves keynote lectures, problem-based learning, workshops, small-group learning and self-managed learning to enable students to critically consider the role of the occupational therapist.

The assessment involves presenting the intervention plan for a case-study individual, as if to a multi-disciplinary team meeting, and the submission of a handout to support the presentation.