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Professional Practice 2

Code: OCCU179

Credits: 15

Semester: Semester 2

This is the second module within the Professional Practice theme.
Within this module students will participate in the first assessed practice placement (four weeks, 150 hours) within an occupational therapy clinical environment.

Student’s will be continuing to develop professional behaviours and attitudes required of an occupational therapist. Students will be expected to adhere to the code of conduct and professional practice for occupational therapists.

Students will continue to develop a range of skills required for professional practice, including knowledge of and fitting of standard equipment to facilitate activities of daily living, interpersonal skills and adult and paediatric resuscitation skills.

Students will begin to generate and collate evidence of personal and professional development for inclusion within their personal continual professional development (CPD) portfolio. This will use the guidance provided within the RCOT career development framework (2017b) and the HCPC audit process.

This module will also include a personal development tutorial with the student’s allocated academic advisor.

This module will incorporate a mixed style of learning and teaching strategies including tutor facilitated seminars and opportunities for developing skills through experiential learning prior to and during practice placements. Students will also engage in inter-professional learning within the University environment.

This module is assessed by means of:
An OSPE delivered either on-campus or via virtual on-line delivery and a four week practice placement in an occupational therapy practice environment.