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Code: OCCU174

Credits: 15

Semester: Semester 2

This module sits within the ‘Evidence for Practice’ theme within the occupational therapy programme. In this first-year module, students will explore how evidence is relevant to occupational therapy practice.  They will also be introduced to the philosophical basis underpinning established research methodologies. They will consider how best to source evidence to inform occupational therapy practice. Connections will be made between contemporary occupational therapy practice, evidence-based practice, audit and research.

Learning will comprise a blend of lectures, group-work, guided on-line learning, on-line quizzes, library supported sessions and independent study. Teaching and learning activities will be delivered in line with a hybrid approach. Throughout the module, examples of authentic occupational therapy practice will be used to enable students to recognise the importance of evidence, identify the types of evidence required to inform practice and to propose, at a basic level, how to collect, review and use evidence to inform practice. Throughout the learning journey, students will be concurrently developing IT skills, skills in referencing sources, become familiar with searching library resources and classifying sources based on their quality.

Summative assessment comprises of online assessments and a written assignment in which students can demonstrate their appreciation of the importance of evidence-informed practice and their ability to undertake a basic search for information in a specific, authentic area of practice.​