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Code: HEAL703

Credits: 30

Semester: Semester 2

A holistic critical care practitioner must be able to demonstrate leadership, management and team skills to ensure care delivery patient centred. Working as part of a multidisciplinary team is a fundamental aspect of critical care delivery. This module will focus upon leadership and management of a critically ill patient and the role of the multidisciplinary team in ensuring care is tailored to meet each patient’s specific needs. There will be a focus on analytical skills utilising a specified range of competencies related to critical care practice which serves to facilitate safe, effective quality care to critically ill patients. The module will pay particular attention to enhancing the student’s underpinning theoretical knowledge to develop confidence when contributing to complex decision making utilising a critical approach which is evidence based and well reasoned.

Teaching delivery will be provided using a blended approach.
Lectures will cover the holistic approach to critical care, incorporating leadership, human factors and patient safety-aspects which are integral to effective critical care delivery. Seminars and group work will follow which relate directly to the lecture topic and enable discussion and problem based learning to enhance understanding and confidence in critical discussion. These sessions will be held on campus but will also be offered simultaneously via the virtual platform Zoom to enable the student to attend remotely or face to face. Each session will be recorded as well to be available to students outside of the scheduled time of delivery.

Assessment for the module includes a 3000 word literature review and a presentation focusing on a quality improvement project that the student has conducted in critical care as part of the module. The value of leadership, human factors and risk management all focus upon improving the quality and safety of critical care provision. The quality improvement project will enable students to identify an area of care which they feel may benefit from a fresh approach, research it, and, following on from this, devise a project. The presentation will provide the opportunity for the student to showcase this and for their project to be further explored and rationalised during the question and answer session.
The student will also be required to undertake a range of critical care competencies whilst working in practice which will be assessed by a suitably qualified supervisor.​

Support for the student is offered by the module leader and their academic advisor when in University and by their nominated supervisor when in practice.