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Code: HEAL462

Credits: 20

Semester: Semester 1

The module will introduce students/apprentices to the problems facing practitioners who have to assess risk and make decisions about how to respond to the needs of high risk and vulnerable patients and service users in complex situations. The delivery will focus on the need for robust clinical assessment and decision making utilising various risk assessment and clinical decision making tools available in clinical practice. Throughout, emphasis will be placed upon understanding of the value of the multidisciplinary team in high risk and high uncertainty environments. The module will be delivered over a three month period and will include half day contact delivery, delivered on a weekly basis for 11 consecutive weeks. The contact sessions will consist of lectures and interactive face to face seminars. Theoretical content will be supported by sessions from clinical experts and online support (eg discussion boards ) through the Virtual Learning Environment. The module team will facilitate, moderate, and guide the community of learners through the discussion topics. There will be a single piece of assessed coursework in the form of a 4500 word case report, to be submitted at the end of the module.