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Code: HEAL441

Credits: 20

Semester: Semester 2

This module has been designed to support health professionals working and managing in a variety of clinical environments. The module provides an opportunity for critical engagement with complex clinical situations. Definitions of complexity and how this applies to patient care will be discussed during workshops, and students will be encouraged to consider how this applies to their own experience. The role of human factors in understanding complex situations will be explored. There will be 7 whole day workshops, which will comprise a combination of lectures, simulated practice (including de-briefing) and tutorials. Online resources will be provided as appropriate to support learning, and the overall teaching approach is one of blended learning. Reading material will be provided in advance of the sessions (via Canvas) to ensure students are prepared for participation in the workshops. A key feature of this module is that the students will have an opportunity to explore an area of complexity relevant to their own environment. Tutorial support will be provided to facilitate this. Students will be assessed by completion of a 3,000 word written assignment and an online video based simulated practical assessment.