Semester one
In your first semester, you will develop your practical programming and coding skills by creating software for engineering applications, and an introduction to the “Internet of Things”.
Modules that will cover Semesters one and two will cover digital design techniques, introduce you to materials used in microelectronics, and give you an understanding of designing advanced embedded computer systems – along with a module that will help you to develop the practical skills to develop your final project in semester three.
Semester two
Your second semester will introduce you to ARM Cortex M Microprocessors. You’ll learn about the general functionality, learn to interface a peripheral to the AHB-Lite bus using microprocessors, and use RTX to implement a multi-threaded application.
You will continue to develop your knowledge of materials, and digital design skills while building the knowledge you’ll need for your research project – moving into project planning and literature searching.
You’ll also have the choice to learn about the principles of communications networks, their components and protocols; develop an in-depth understanding of EMC, the scope of EMC, standards, typical EMC problems and solutions; and get an extensive overview of information theory and coding.
Students must take 15 optional credits. Modules may be selected from this list subject to the requirement that at least 7.5 credits are completed in Semester one.