This is a foundational module aimed at providing the students with the basic concepts and techniques of modern real Analysis. The guiding idea will be to start using the powerful tools of analysis, familiar to the students from the first year module MATH101 (Calculus I) in the context of the real numbers, to vectors (multivariable analysis) and to functions (functional analysis). The notions of convergence and continuity will be reinterpreted in the more general setting of metric spaces. This will provide the language to prove several fundamental results that are in the basic toolkit of a mathematician, like the Picard Theorem on the existence and uniqueness of solutions to first order differential equations with an initial datum, and the implicit function theorem. The module is central for a curriculum in pure and applied mathematics, as familiarity with these notions will help students who want to take several other subsequent modules as well as many projects. This module is also a useful preparation (although not a formal prerequisite) for MATH365 Measure theory and probability, a very useful module for a deep understanding of financial mathematics.