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Consultancy Based Project

Code: ULMS823

Credits: 60

Semester: Summer

This module provides an alternative to the traditional academic dissertation, and is aimed at those students who have secured a client organisation to work with on a consultancy basis.

This module prepares MBA students to undertake their consultancy based project which is the final integrative activity of the MBA Programme.

The aim of this module is to provide a process which will enable students to use and extend knowledge and skills that they have acquired during their programme of study. Using appropriate management research methodologies and/or data collection methods, students will have the opportunity to explore an area of interest within management in significantly greater depth than during the taught modules themselves. Students will work on a specific project for an organisation. The organisation selected will function as the ‘client’. The aim of this path is to enable students to undertake a self-managed process of systematic practitioner inquiry within the domain of management.

The main output will be two documents, one for the client, in the format appropriate to that organisation, and one for academic purposes which incorporates those elements that are important to an academic research project of this nature, but are not required by the client. This will also include a reflective piece on the student’s personal development. In alignment with the sister module ULMS706, there will be a requirement to produce a proposal that summaries the project parameters.