Course details
- UCAS code: M109
- Study mode: Full-time
- Length: 2 years
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The Law (Graduate Entry) LLB is designed for non-law graduates looking to fast-track their legal education. Study at one of the oldest law departments in the UK and explore the legal issues that shape society today and in the future.
Delivered at a research-rich law school, our accelerated two-year LLB programme, provides a Qualifying Law Degree (QLD)—a first step toward professional qualifications like the Solicitors Qualification Examination (SQE) or Bar Practice Course (BPC). It’s an ideal choice for those who want to open doors to the legal profession and enhance career prospects, whether in law or beyond.
Our Law (Graduate Entry) LLB will give you a deep understanding of legal concepts and their real-world applications. You won’t just study the law – you’ll explore its impact and the bigger questions it raises. With a mix of teaching methods and a supportive learning environment, you’ll be encouraged to think critically and challenge ideas.
You’ll be taught and supervised by world-leading experts in the subject area, and in your second year, you’ll have the opportunity to shape your studies around your own interests and ambitions.
The skills you’ll gain will serve you well across many fields. From critical thinking and analysing risks to problem-solving, this degree sharpens your ability to navigate complex issues. It’s not just for future lawyers—it’s valuable in business, professional services, politics, mediation, communications and social justice too.
This course is for those who already have a non-law degree-level qualification and wish to obtain a legal education through a two-year accelerated programme of study.
We’re proud to announce we’ve been awarded a Gold rating for educational excellence.
Discover what you'll learn, what you'll study, and how you'll be taught and assessed.
In Year one, you’ll dive into core modules that must be studied in order to pass the academic stage of the route to practice, known as the ‘foundations of legal knowledge’.
You’ll also study Law and Social Justice in Action, which gives you the chance to develop and practice advanced legal research skills by exploring the law’s capacity to effect social change.
In Law and Social Justice in Action, students will enhance a range of core legal and transferable skills, engage in group work, and critically evaluate the impact of the law with reference to a specific case study. After initial introductory lectures, students will select and follow a ‘research pathway’ in the module, in the context of which they will seek to explore the relationship between law and some aspect(s) of social justice.
This 15-credit module is one of the seven core foundations of legal knowledge studies on the Bachelor of Laws degree. All LL.B. students are required to take this fascinating and complex module. The land law module examines the estates and interests in land in English and Welsh law. Students will examine both freehold and leasehold estates, as well as interests in land such as easements, restrictive covenants and mortgages. The module places a heavy emphasis on case law and statute use. These sources are used to put the various land rights into context and to demonstrate how estates and interests can be protected using the legislative regime.
The module is a foundation subject required by the Legal Professional bodies for any law degree to be a ‘qualifying law degree.’ The aim is that students should acquire a solid knowledge of the legal principles and rules applied by the courts in Contract Law, whilst also developing fundamental legal skills of case analysis, synthesis and problem-solving. Students will undertake the study of Contract Law in its social, political and commercial context.
This module introduces students to civil wrongs which are actionable at common law. These actionable wrongs, or ‘torts’, include negligence, trespass to the person, nuisance, and defamation. In addition to learning about the legal principles which govern the application of each tort, the Law of Tort module offers students an insight into the wider policy landscape by examining the law’s role in compensating injury, loss, or damage. The Law of Tort is one of the seven Foundation Subjects of relevance to students who intend to practise law in England and Wales.
In your second year, you’ll study the remaining core modules that are essential to passing the academic stage of your journey to practice.
Alongside these compulsory modules, you’ll have the opportunity to select from a variety of optional modules, shaped by the expertise and research interests of our academic staff. With such a broad range of options, you can choose to specialise in a particular area of law or mix modules from across the curriculum to suit your unique interests.
*Please note that timetabling considerations, research leave cycles, and subject prerequisites mean that the optional modules may vary from year to year.
This module introduces students to the criminal law of England and Wales. It considers: the scope of criminal liability (principles of criminalisation and principles of criminal liability); the components of criminal liability (the need for both a ‘guilty’ act and a ‘guilty’ mind in an offence); substantive offences such as homicide and rape; participation (i.e., complicity) in an offence; criminal conduct short of committing a full offence (i.e., ‘inchoate’ liability); and various types of defence.
This is a 30 credit, FHEQ Level 6 module. It covers the important concepts of trusts, equitable remedies and concepts of property. It is one of the Foundations of Legal Knowledge, necessary for progression to training for the Bar. Module delivery concentrates on inculcating legal and transferable skills.
This module introduces students to the constitutional and institutional law of the European Union before moving to consider some areas of substantive Union law. The module encourages a critical understanding of how the EU came to be and how it has developed, which lays the foundations for analysis of the Union’s institutions including their composition, their accountability and democratic legitimacy, and how they formulate EU legislation. Areas of substantive Union Law addressed are: the development of EU law relating to the free movement of goods, free movement of workers and free movement of economically inactive citizens (such as students and retired persons). Throughout the module, students are encouraged to think critically about the European integration process.
This is a project-based module that requires students to work in teams using a specific ‘artificial intelligence’ (AI) technology to solve a challenging legal problem. Students will use their experience of working on their project to inform their individual analysis of the appropriate role of AI in the justice system. The module has been designed in collaboration with key partners from the legal and technology sectors and it builds on contemporary debates about the future of law and the future of the legal professions. Using our project as a point of reference we will discover how AI can be developed to tackle problems that involve legal reasoning, and we will debate competing ethical, economic, regulatory and other arguments concerning whether AI should be used in the justice system, and if so, how it should be used. As a project-based module, LAW383 will require sustained commitment by students both to their respective team-mates and to the project itself. This module will be more suitable for students who are not solely interested in the conventional approach to learning and applying the law, but who have a strong desire to expand their technical skill set and project-management skills to meet the growing demand in the legal sector for lawyers who are also capable ‘legal designers’, ‘legal engineers’, and ‘innovation leads’.
This module will be of interest to students who wish to learn about the way in which borders operate within the UK and in Europe, as well as how asylum seekers, refugees and migrants living in the UK and the EU are treated under the law. The course will also be of interest to students who wish to study topics related to human rights issues. The course focuses broadly on the area of asylum and immigration, and is also intended to be responsive to current developments in the area. Examples of topics that will be covered include, international refugee law and the UK asylum system, the enforcement of immigration rules through detention and deportation, and rights to family reunification and family life.
Clinical Legal Skills is a final year optional module based in the Liverpool Law Clinic, an in house legal practice within the School of Law and Social Justice. Learning on the module is experiential: Students will work in small groups or “firms” of 6 students throughout the term and there is an emphasis on collaborative learning and problem solving throughout the module. The bulk of the student learning takes place through working in the Liverpool Law Clinic with student firms assisting in-house and external solicitors and barristers to provide an advice service to member of the general public. Casework includes working to strict deadlines. The Law Clinic operates during office hours 8 am to 5.30pm and for reasons of client confidentiality, students are only permitted to work on their client case in the Law Clinic. Remote working on case files is prohibited. There are weekly practical workshops which will cover skills and legal content. Students will give presentations about the cases that they are working on, so that they whole group can learn from the legal and professional issues encountered and the legal advice provided. Workshops will cover areas including researching legal problems, letter drafting, client interviewing, access to justice, reflective practice and law and procedure relevant to client cases. In addition to weekly workshops each firm has a weekly 1 hour case supervision meeting to receive feedback on practical case work.
Company Law aims to give students an understanding of certain fundamental aspects of Company Law, including the regulation of companies, the effect of separate legal entity, duties of directors and the remedies available to minority shareholders. At the same time the module will introduce students to some of the more essential, topical, and developing areas of Company Law which have a national/international impact, including the reforms under the Companies Act 2006.
In today’s globalised world, legal professionals are increasingly in contact with ‘foreign law’ – the law of other legal systems. Practitioners are hired to litigate transnational legal disputes. Judges may also be required to engage with foreign law in legal proceedings. Legislatures too frequently look outside their own legal systems for solutions to regulatory problems.
But is it possible to transplant legal rules and structures from one system to another? How and why might this be done? To what extent should judges engage with foreign law? And is it even possible to engage meaningfully with foreign law without detailed knowledge of the legal system to which that law belongs?
Comparative law provides a framework to approach, analyse and critique the use of foreign law. This module will introduce you to the principal theories and methodologies of comparative law. The focus is on empowering you to understand the application of comparative law to resolve legal problems and regulatory challenges within domestic and international legal systems.
At the end of this module, you will have a clear understanding of the nature, functions and limits of comparative law and be able to relate these to a broad range of contemporary and historical legal developments within particular legal systems. You will also be equipped to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the comparative method in specific contexts; for example, as a mode of constitutional law reform. By introducing you to critical and postmodern approaches to comparative law, the module will further challenge you to think critically about liberal and western-centric trends that remain deeply embedded in legal scholarship and practice.
This module explores fundamental issues in Commercial Law with a particular focus upon Sale of Goods and the Law of Agency. Students will be introduced to certain key areas of importance, including legal issues stemming from the passing of property and title in sale transactions; implied terms within sale contracts and the role of agents in Commercial Law. Teaching and learning uses a ‘blended learning’ approach – the module utilises lectures, seminars, workshop sessions and e-learning strategies to guide the student through a complex area of law. Lectures focus on the delivery of key information and fundamental principles. Building on this acquired knowledge, seminars will focus upon the application of those fundamental principles to complex factual scenarios and advanced legal problems. Post-seminar podcasts and follow-up exercises will serve to offer feedback on the performance of the cohort as a whole, nurture advanced understanding and also guide further work. Commercial Law is a very lucrative and popular area of legal practice, and this is a useful specialty option for students interesting in corporate and commercial careers.
Over the course of the first semester, students complete a 6000 word dissertation with the help of a supervisor. Formulating their own research questions, students gain experience of extended writing in an area of particular interest. Prior to the submission of the dissertation, students present their work at the Semester 1 Undergraduate Law Conference.
This module provides students with a cutting-edge and critical understanding of rights and justice at work. It is ideal for students who want to better understand business practices, labour market norms and relations of power between workers and employers. The module is set in three parts: protection of the worker, protection of wages and protection of work. The module highlights the social and political significance of employment law as developed in parliament and the courts. Students are equipped with knowledge and skills to apply employment law to a range of scenarios and to understand the limits of law. Throughout the module, students also explore the contemporary rise of mental and physical health issues among people of working age as a context within which to assess the merits of employment law and develop their own ideas for legal reform. Teaching and learning is organised through a mix of in-person lectures, case workshops, small group seminars, bespoke video content and academic literature. For assessment students record their own video presentation about an aspect of employment law and their ideas for reform, they also sit an exam in which they are asked to provide written legal advice to clients in imaginary situations.
This module will provide an introduction one of the main areas of intellectual property law – copyright law. It will cover the various requirements to obtain copyright protection and will deal with the expansion of rights available to copyright holders. The module will study the complexities in relation to the copyright infringement due to the emergence of digital technologies and examine whether the private rights granted through copyright law is adequately balanced with the protection of public interests.
This module introduces students to the fundamental principles of international arbitration as reflected in national laws, international law, arbitral rules, and arbitral and national court decisions. It concerns theoretical and practical aspects of international commercial, as well as investment arbitration. It is particularly appropriate for students aiming at obtaining expert knowledge in international arbitration, which they can apply as practicing lawyers, policy makers or in pursuing further, postgraduate studies in the field. Teaching and learning are largely based on case studies and problem questions based on actual case law both from UK courts and international arbitral awards of major arbitration institutions, such as the International Court of Arbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce.
This module investigates the following questions: How does law affect gender and how does gender affect law? As a result of taking part in this module, students will develop the necessary critical thinking skills to recognise how law and state structures in general influence and are influenced by gender. Using critical analysis skills and feminist theories we will investigate how individuals from disadvantaged groups in terms of their gender and sexuality as well as some other characteristics, such as race, disability, or immigration status, could be disenfranchised by law.
Teaching of this module will begin with a set of introductory lectures on schools of feminism. These will be followed by subject specific lectures applying feminist theory to a specific context. These will be taught by a team of lecturers with expertise in that particular area. Specific fields offered might change from one academic year to another depending on staff availability.
Assessment will be based on group presentation and an essay.
As a result of taking part in this module, students will become aware of covert ways in which law, even when it is seemingly impartial, could result in or exacerbate inequalities. The module will also help students to develop research, presentation, group work, communication and critical argumentation skills due to the teaching, learning and assessment methods used in the module.
This module will cover the international law principles that govern the creation, functioning, and accountability of international organisations. Students will be introduced to the different theoretical accounts of international organisations and their role in contemporary international relations. The course will cover in detail the law of the United Nations Charter and the operation of different UN organs, while a series of case studies will also allow for comparison with the legal regimes specific to other international institutions, from the WTO to regional organisations such as the African Union and the European Union. It is advised that students on this course have previously taken (or are simultaneously enrolled on) an introductory course on public international law (e.g. LAW353 Principles of International Law).
The course will have a strong practical focus, and prioritise the development of skills of critical analysis and problem solving. Successful students will gain an understanding of the legal frameworks that apply to the different aspects of international organisations’ day-to-day operation, covering interpretation of constituent instruments, decision-making procedures, adoption of resolutions and other legal acts, and the complex legal issues raised by the international responsibility and accountability of international organisations. The course will cover the role of lawyers within international organisations, including careers in international organisations.
In this module we examine fundamental components of the law’s regulation of the doctor:patient relationship, in particular ‘medical negligence’ claims – a specialist application of the tort of negligence in cases where medical error occurs,’ usually in the course of diagnosis, treatment or advice/information, and causes a recognised ‘harm’. We also explore legal limits to medical treatment decisions, such as the extent to which patients have the right to make their own treatment decisions, and, in cases where a patient may lack the ability to make these decisions for themselves, the application of the Mental Capacity Act 2005. Who decides in these cases whether the patient should be given life-saving surgery or when life sustaining ventilation should stop? – doctors, the family or the Court of Protection? And how are the patient’s rights and interests safeguarded when decisions are taken ‘for’ them? The patient, whose treatment must be determined, is recognised as being vulnerable – a vulnerability rooted in the imbalance of power in doctor-patient relationships, but also in the patient being unwell or anxious about their health. As we survey the legal frameworks which regulate treatment decisions we observe shifts in medical law jurisprudence, from forms of paternalism (or ‘doctor knows best’) to increased emphasis of ‘rights based’ and social justice informed models. Medical Law and Ethics is a 15 credit module for Level 6 students only.
The course aims to provide an introduction into legal regulations governing the creation and functioning of multinational corporations. It is designed to develop an understanding of international legal rules on how multinational corporations are structured and taxed, and how their interests in states where they operate are protected in international law and national law, as well as providing students with insights into problems that may arise in connection with multinational corporations’ activities and the protection of human rights and the environment.
The module provides students with in-depth specialist knowledge of the principles and structure of international law, with a special emphasis on law-making processes. It offers a selected introduction to the field by placing the issues covered into the political and historical context of international relations. The module features discussions of some of today’s most debated theoretical and practical international legal issues against the backdrop of multiple international, regional and domestic legal and policy frameworks. They include the evolving role of international law in international affairs, the forms of law making, the ever increasing number of actors involved, the expansion of international adjudication, the creation of states, the various faces of sovereignty, and the impact of international law on domestic systems.
Each lecture addresses selected elements of these debates and the basic principles underpinning them. Examples of basic questions include: What is international law? Is international law really law? How did it develop as a body of rules separate from domestic law? What types of norms define the international legal order? What are the main international decision making processes and who are the actors involved? What are the manifestations of state sovereignty and how do states exercise sovereignty from the perspective of international law and relations? How does international law affect domestic law? What is the status of international law within domestic legal orders? How is international law enforced? Or when can states be held liable for their wrongful conduct?
This module is an opportunity for you to gain an understanding and insight into issues relating to access to justice and public interest law. You will undertake a placement in a public sector or non profit organisation, develop skills and undertake tasks within a practical context, apply academic knowledge from your degree, and develop your personal and employability skills within a working environment. This experience will develop understanding of access to justice policy and public interest law in a practical setting.
This module is intended to introduce students to the law of the European Convention on Human Rights. Students should develop an understanding of the basic doctrinal concepts adopted by the European Court of Human Rights.
This module seeks to provide students with an understanding of the opportunities and challenges posed by emerging technologies. Students will be provided with an overview of the rationale and purpose of regulation within the context of emerging technologies and draws upon theoretical debates and policies implemented by jurisdictions particularly in the United Kingdom. During the course of their studies students will be provided with a learning and teaching environment that will facilitate their acquisition and development of a set of rigorous analytical and problem solving skills which will enable them to critically engage with existing and emerging legal and ethical challenges posed by emerging technologies in diverse settings and contexts. The topics covered will vary but these will include regulatory challenges posed by technologies such as data driven processes and artificial intelligence systems for sectors such as finance, transportation, health and the legal profession. The focus on diverse settings and case examples will enable students to gain a better understanding of the role of legal rules and strategies for promoting responsible innovation and governance.
Transnational crime is regarded as a major threat to contemporary political and economic regimes. Concerns about the cross border activities of criminal organisations, in particular, has become a key feature of the global political agenda in recent years. This had led to the creation of a number of international agreements, institutions, and legislative proposals to encourage inter-state cooperation against transnational crimes. Yet, concerns and responses to transnational crimes differ across diverse regions, and with regard to different forms of crime. Taking an interdisciplinary perspective, this module will explore the emerging field of transnational criminal law, examining the challenges of transnational law enforcement. The module will begin by introducing students to key theoretical concepts, political debates, and principles of transnational criminal law. We will then explore some of the more substantive transnational crimes, such as drug trafficking, money laundering, human trafficking and migrant smuggling. In addition to examining the nature and extent of these crimes, we will consider the strengths and limitations of current legal and policy responses.
This course examines the way in which the law regulates the treatment of animals in the UK and internationally. Students will have the opportunity to explore animal law from its historical development to contemporary issues surrounding human-animal interactions.
Students will develop their knowledge in the developing field of animal law from both a policy and practical/doctrinal perspective and from a theoretical perspective. Students will be introduced to the philosophical foundations of animal law which are important in order to examine the gaps and opportunities in the law relating to animals as it is presently constituted. The course will cover the historical development of animal law, the legal status of animals, and the legal and political framework. A series of case studies will aid students in developing a critical understanding of the different approaches to protecting / regulating animals through the law. These include discussions about religious practices relating to slaughter, the granting of rights to primates, factory farming and the development of dangerous dogs legislation (amongst others). Students will engage in debates about how animals should be recognised in the law, and the relative benefits and drawbacks of different approaches i.e. animal welfare vs. animal rights, or approaches grounded in relationality, vulnerability etc.
The course combines case studies and theoretical analysis, and successful students will gain an understanding of the complex legal issues raised by the regulation of animals through law. The course aims to encourage critical thought about how we may remodel legal systems / approaches to the protection of the interests of animals.
The module reflects and supports the growing research expertise in the discipline of animal law within Liverpool. All three members of the proposed teaching team have experience either within Liverpool (on the Law and Social Justice module) or at other institutions with delivering teaching in Animal law. This module addresses the gap in the Law School’s curriculum as compared to the growing number of other Schools across the UK which have dedicated Animal Law offerings.
The module will explore international rules and practice on the protection of business actors investing abroad. How does international law protect corporations and private business actors when they invest into projects in other countries? Are businesses entitled to any protection of contracts they sign with foreign governments? What remedies does international law offer in cases where businesses are unfavourably affected by legislative and regulatory changes in the host state? The module will be delivered through lectures, seminars and online exercises. The module will be of interest to students wishing to specialise in commercial law, international economic law, dispute resolution as well as those who would like to deepen their knowledge of international law in general.
Clinical Legal Skills is a final year optional module based in the Liverpool Law Clinic, an in-house legal practice within the School of Law and Social Justice. Learning on the module is experiential: Students will work in small groups or “firms” of 6 students throughout the term and there is an emphasis on collaborative learning and problem solving throughout the module. The bulk of the student learning takes place through working in the Liverpool Law Clinic with student firms assisting in-house and external solicitors and barristers to provide an advice service to member of the general public. Casework includes working to strict deadlines. The Law Clinic operates during office hours 8 am to 5.30pm and for reasons of client confidentiality, students are only permitted to work on their client case in the Law Clinic. Remote working on case files is prohibited. There are weekly practical workshops which will cover skills and legal content. Students will give presentations about the cases that they are working on, so that they whole group can learn from the legal and professional issues encountered and the legal advice provided. Workshops will cover areas including researching legal problems, letter drafting, client interviewing, access to justice, reflective practice and law and procedure relevant to client cases. In addition to weekly workshops each firm has a weekly 1 hour case supervision meeting to receive feedback on practical case work.
Over the course of the second semester, students complete a 6000 word dissertation with the help of a supervisor. Formulating their own research questions, students gain experience of extended writing in an area of particular interest. Prior to the submission of the dissertation, students present their work at the Semester 2 Undergraduate Law Conference.
This module provides an introduction to trade mark and patent law. The first half of the module will examine the rationale, requirements and enforcement of patent rights that protect technological innovations. It will also cover the main aspects of exclusions and exceptions that limit the subject matter of patentability. The second half of the module will look into the system for registered marks (including the process of registration, revocation, invalidity and infringement).
This course will provide students with an in-depth understanding of the complex international legal
questions that make the headlines. Students will learn to demonstrate and critically evaluate how law and politics interrelate and how issues of globalisation are incorporated into the international legal language. The course will also encourage students to take a step back and critically analyse why it is that international law seems to be focussed on crises that make headlines. Through the means of recognising and ranking complex issues, a further site of enquiry will be the question of whether there is also an every-day international law that is not discussed in the news?
The course will provide students with a strong understanding of the complex and specialist concepts, principles, institutions and debates that define international law today. By unravelling these concepts with the help of current affairs and various legal sources students will be able to contextualise succinctly international law as it relates to politics, the media, social phenomena, and historical settings. Focusing on a number of key issue-areas, the course will enable students to understand how international legal norms emerge, the way they shape subjectivities, competences and responsibilities, and their impact with regard to contemporary issues/problems of global scale.
Overall, the aim is to lay the foundations for an informed and critical assessment of the contribution and limits of international law as a force in world affairs.
Jurisprudence aims to give students an understanding of the basic problems of legal theory: what is law? Why do we obey it? How is law related to morality? Is an unjust law really a law? How should judges decide cases? At the same time the module will introduce students to the work of some of the most important modern legal theorists, in particular H.L.A. Hart, Lon Fuller and Ronald Dworkin. Students will also consider some of the crucial concerns of contemporary legal philosophy, such as the relationship between the rule of law, rights and democracy. Jurisprudence is taught in weekly lectures and longer fortnightly seminars. This maximises the time available for discussion and evaluation of each week’s reading assignment, in both smaller sub-groups and the class as whole, which is the most interesting and effective way of gaining an appreciation of legal philosophy. Students will produce a group presentation on a topic of their choice in the second half of the module. The module is assessed through one piece of coursework (3,000 words).
Jurisprudence provides an opportunity for reflection on the philosophical foundations of law, and should appeal to students who are interested in understanding more about the essential nature of legal systems and legal practice.
This module is an opportunity for you to gain an understanding and insight into issues relating to access to justice and public interest law. You will undertake a placement in a public sector or non profit organisation, develop skills and undertake tasks within a practical context, apply academic knowledge from your degree, and develop your personal and employability skills within a working environment. This experience will develop understanding of access to justice policy and public interest law in a practical setting.
Sport has moved from an amateur pastime to a highly regulated legal sphere, now constituting its own body of law. This module will introduce you to some key areas of sports law – you will look at questions such as ‘what is a professional sports contract?’, ‘can you be criminally liable for injuring someone whilst playing sport?’, ‘are anti-doping regimes in sport fair?’, ‘what are the rules around the participation of transgender and intersex athletes in elite sport?’. You will also be introduced to some of the key principles which underpin sports law. This module is taught from a critical perspective – so we won’t just learn about what the law says about sport, we will question the impact that this body of law has on individuals involved in sport, and whether law makes sport a fairer environment.
This module introduces students to key ethical principles as they relate to the legal regulation of medical practice. This module will look at autonomy in greater detail, examining adolescent autonomy and children’s decision making, autonomy in relation to non-therapeutic and contentious surgeries such as cosmetic surgery, reproductive autonomy (encompassing the right not to reproduce e.g. sterilisation and abortion) as well as the right to reproduce (examining regulation of human reproduction and assisted reproductive technologies). This module will also look at the latest developments in this area and how the fundamental principles of medical law and ethics are developed and re-shaped in light of novel technological and medical developments. At a formal level, the module encourages students to develop reasoned ethical perspectives on autonomy as applied in various contexts .
This module takes as its starting point the challenges faced by individuals in determining how their personal data is collected and processed in a digital environment comprising global technology corporations and online service providers. Students will be introduced to the rationale, concepts, themes, and body of law associated with data protection law and electronic communication relations. The learning and teaching activities are designed to provide students with an opportunity to explore the rights, duties and remedies associated with the generation of personal information through interaction with digital devices and online services. The module equips students with the knowledge, skills and confidence in reflecting critically on the role and significance of data protection rules for regulating the social media environment, and encouraged to communicate their knowledge to peers in the module. More specifically, the mode of instruction and delivery is designed to foster in students an agile and solution focused mindset through an exploration of the connection between data protection theory and practice of resolving governance disputes in the social medial environment. Students will undertake their study in a learning environment which will enable them to develop their problem-solving, research and communication skills when addressing issues such as what types of processing activities are regulated, the contexts in which rights and duties materialise and measures for managing risks in the evolving social media landscape. The use of case studies and examples will provide students with opportunities to assess their relevance for addressing compliance questions and likely impact on individuals and business processing strategies in the networked social media landscape.
In recent years, legal systems and the constitutions that structure them seem under increased strain. In the UK alone, we have seen, amongst many other issues, exit from the European Union; scandal surrounding Government handling of the Covid-19 pandemic; increased use of judicial review to challenge (often controversial) Government decision-making; frequent changes of Prime Minister; and the question of Scottish independence both subject to a referendum yet seemingly unresolved.
Advanced Public Law explores some of the key challenges facing constitutional frameworks at the UK, European and/or international levels. Drawing on staff expertise, the three specific topics studied each year will be dynamic, allowing students to focus on the most pressing issues facing public law. However, recent examples include: Courts and Rights in the Age of Austerity; The Break-Up of Britain: Constitutional Responses to a Territorial Crisis; and Extra-Parliamentary Sites of Accountability in the Age of Social Media Age.
Whatever the topic, with its central themes of Power, Rights and Accountability, the module will enable students to approach key public law questions: how does law create and divide public power, and ensure the exercise of power is legitimate? How do rights constrain public authorities, and can courts have a major impact on significant social, economic and political challenges? How effectively is power held to account through constitutional processes, and how could accountability be enhanced in democratic constitutions?
In this way, Advanced Public Law will give students an in-depth understanding of some of the key constitutional challenges facing legal and political systems in the modern world. It will be assessed by a “seen” examination, with the exam paper released to students 24 hours before the start of the assessment, to allow time for focused revision and detailed essay planning.
This module is intended to further develop the students’ understanding of the law of the European Convention on Human Rights building on concepts and material covered in LAW362. Students should be able to understand and analyse complex concepts used by the European Court of Human Rights and critically analyse reform of the European Court.
This module will introduce you to the field of international human rights law. The course will provide you with an overview of the historical and philosophical foundations of human rights, various substantive rights that are protected through universal and regional instruments, as well as providing a general introduction to the international mechanisms for human rights protection and promotion. The course aims to provide the student with both substantive and procedural knowledge of human rights protection, as well as knowledge and understanding of some of the key contemporary challenges in international human rights law.
You will be taught through a combination of large group lectures and small class sessions, such as tutorials, seminars or workshops. Formal lectures are intended to give you a sound understanding of relevant legal topics, and you are expected to enhance your knowledge through private study and research. Tutorials and seminars require active student participation and are particularly effective in assisting you in applying the law to practical situations. In addition, we use alternative forms of teaching delivery to provide a broad-based learning experience for our students. For example, student learning is enhanced through the use of podcasts and lecture capture technology, drop-in sessions, learning cafés, and clinical legal skills workshops. Online resources and exercises, group work, and presentations all help to ensure that you develop a strong set of transferrable skills.
Most optional modules are taught via ‘blended learning’ methods, utilising weekly lectures, seminars, optional drop-in sessions during office hours, independent legal research, e-learning strategies and formative assessments.
Assessment takes many forms, each tailored to the learning outcomes of the module.
Formal assessments typically occur twice a year: once at the end of semester one (January) and again at the end of semester two (May-June). Some modules may also offer formal mid-semester assessments. We use a variety of methods to ensure assessments support your learning, including seen and unseen exams, as well as extended coursework assignments. Other methods, such as case work, empirical projects and reflective journals, are also incorporated to provide a well-rounded assessment experience throughout your programme.
Optional modules are assessed on a summative basis through exams, coursework, or a combination of both. However, some optional modules may include additional assessment methods, such as group projects, practical assessments, presentations, casework or reflective logs.
We have a distinctive approach to education, the Liverpool Curriculum Framework, which focuses on research-connected teaching, active learning, and authentic assessment to ensure our students graduate as digitally fluent and confident global citizens.
Your course will be delivered by Liverpool Law School, in the School of Law and Social Justice Building. Students have access to state-of the-art facilities and are a short walk from the Sydney Jones Library. Based in the Knowledge Quarter, 10 minutes walk from the city-centre, students are surrounded by history and culture.
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A law degree from Liverpool doesn’t just prepare you for legal practice—it equips you with the skills to thrive in any profession. Communication, problem-solving, critical thinking and independent research are qualities that employers everywhere value. Wherever your ambitions take you, we’ll make sure you’re ready.
After completing an LLB (Graduate Entry), you’ll be well-placed to take the next step in your legal career. Many of our students choose to pursue an LLM, prepare for the Solicitors Qualifying Exam (SQE) or train for the Bar. Others return to their home jurisdictions as highly sought-after legal professionals, equipped with a global outlook and transferable skills that set them apart.
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We’re committed to helping you reach your full potential, both during your studies and beyond. As a law student at Liverpool, you’ll have access to a range of employability initiatives designed to boost your career and enrich your learning journey.
Through our Professional Mentor Scheme, you’ll connect with experienced legal professionals who can guide you as you take your next steps. You can also gain invaluable first-hand courtroom experience by shadowing a judge through our marshalling opportunities.
If you’re looking to make a real impact, our Law Clinic offers pro bono work where you’ll get involved in real cases, making a difference in people’s lives. And if you’re eager to build practical experience, we offer short-term placements with law firms, both locally and internationally.
Our flagship SLSJ Extra programme brings law to life through a series of guest talks and workshops. You’ll hear from legal experts, policymakers, and professionals across industries, discovering how a law degree can open doors to a range of impactful careers—both in and outside the legal profession.
Your tuition fees, funding your studies, and other costs to consider.
UK fees (applies to Channel Islands, Isle of Man and Republic of Ireland) | |
Full-time place, per year | £9,535 |
International fees | |
Full-time place, per year | £24,100 |
Tuition fees cover the cost of your teaching and assessment, operating facilities such as libraries, IT equipment, and access to academic and personal support. Learn more about fees and funding.
We understand that budgeting for your time at university is important, and we want to make sure you understand any course-related costs that are not covered by your tuition fee. This could include buying a laptop, books, or stationery.
Find out more about the additional study costs that may apply to this course.
We offer a range of scholarships and bursaries that could help pay your tuition and living expenses.
We've set the country or region your qualifications are from as United Kingdom. Change it here
The qualifications and exam results you'll need to apply for this course.
The qualifications and exam results you’ll need to apply for this course.
We've set the country or region your qualifications are from as United Kingdom. Change it here
Your qualification | Requirements |
T levels | |
GCSE | 4/C in English and 4/C in Mathematics |
Postgraduate entry requirements |
A minimum of a 2:2 (or equivalent) in the applicant’s first (non-Law) degree. |
International qualifications |
Many countries have a different education system to that of the UK, meaning your qualifications may not meet our entry requirements. Completing your Foundation Certificate, such as that offered by the University of Liverpool International College, means you're guaranteed a place on your chosen course. |
You'll need to demonstrate competence in the use of English language, unless you’re from a majority English speaking country.
We accept a variety of international language tests and country-specific qualifications.
International applicants who do not meet the minimum required standard of English language can complete one of our Pre-Sessional English courses to achieve the required level.
English language qualification | Requirements |
IELTS | 6.5 overall, with no component below 5.5 |
TOEFL iBT | 88 overall, with minimum scores of listening 17, writing 17, reading 17 and speaking 19. TOEFL Home Edition not accepted. |
Duolingo English Test | 125 overall, with speaking, reading and writing not less than 105, and listening not below 100. |
Pearson PTE Academic | 61 overall, with no component below 59 |
LanguageCert Academic | 70 overall, with no skill below 60 |
Cambridge IGCSE First Language English 0500 | Grade C overall, with a minimum of grade 2 in speaking and listening. Speaking and listening must be separately endorsed on the certificate. |
Cambridge IGCSE First Language English 0990 | Grade 4 overall, with Merit in speaking and listening |
Cambridge IGCSE Second Language English 0510/0511 | 0510: Grade B overall, with a minimum of grade 2 in speaking. Speaking must be separately endorsed on the certificate. 0511: Grade B overall. |
Cambridge IGCSE Second Language English 0993/0991 | 0993: Grade 6 overall, with a minimum of grade 2 in speaking. Speaking must be separately endorsed on the certificate. 0991: Grade 6 overall. |
International Baccalaureate English A: Literature or Language & Literature | Grade 5 at Standard Level or grade 5 at Higher Level |
International Baccalaureate English B | Grade 7 at Standard Level or grade 6 at Higher Level |
Cambridge ESOL Level 2/3 Advanced | 176 overall, with no paper below 162 |
Do you need to complete a Pre-Sessional English course to meet the English language requirements for this course?
The length of Pre-Sessional English course you’ll need to take depends on your current level of English language ability.
Find out the length of Pre-Sessional English course you may require for this degree.
Have a question about this course or studying with us? Our dedicated enquiries team can help.
Last updated 25 February 2025 / / Programme terms and conditions