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Code: LAW511

Credits: 20

Semester: Semester 1

​Human rights law became a part of public international law after WW2. The internationalisation of human rights is an ongoing process with numerous consequences that affect both human rights and international law. The principal aim of this module is to provide students with a sound knowledge and understanding of the basic principles and logic of international human rights law. The module will discuss the evolution of human rights in international law, the constitutional dimension and function of human rights, but also their impact on the system of international law and how the latter gradually adjusted to accommodate human rights protection rules. Particular attention will be given to human rights protection within the UN system, but also to the rights of selected social groups, such as refugees and children. The module will also consider the future of human rights law and the idea that international law should not only protect individuals and non-state actors, such as multinational corporations, but also establish human rights obligations for such legal persons.