This module deals with human rights action planning from theoretical, doctrinal, empirical and practical perspectives. At the theoretical level, it will focus on different theories of human rights planning including contextual, substantive, procedural and analytical theories. It will also explore current debates on the right to development and the human rights-based approach to development. At the doctrinal level, this module will examine all the core human rights treaties and relevant general comments and concluding observations in order to reveal the nature and scope of the states’ obligation to adopt action plans (of different types) to implement human rights. At the empirical level, it will look into human rights action plans of different countries from across the globe in order to explore various problems of such plans in different phases of planning. Methodologically, this includes both within-case study and cross-case study. At the practical level, both national and supra-national human rights governance will be discussed. It will examine different phases of human rights planning exploring various practical strategies and methodological techniques for effective human rights action planning in practice.