This second-year advanced Spanish language course consists of small group tuition (on-campus and/or online) in spoken and written Spanish. The module aims to consolidate and extend students’ existing language skills, providing them with an enhanced understanding of Spanish grammar, and significantly improved oral and written communication skills.
SPAN207 and SPAN208 are mapped against the B2.2 level (CEFR). Specific language objectives include:
Writing objectives:
Writing clear, detailed texts on a wide range of subjects related to the students’ interests; writing essays or reports, passing on information or giving reasons in support of or against a particular point of view; writing letters highlighting the personal significance of events and experiences.
Reading objectives:
Reading articles and reports concerned with contemporary problems in which the writers adopt particular attitudes or viewpoints; understanding contemporary literary prose.
Speaking objectives:
Presenting clear, detailed descriptions on a wide range of subjects related to the students’ field(s)of interest; explaining a viewpoint on a topical issue giving the advantages and disadvantages of various options; interacting with a degree of fluency and spontaneity that makes regular interaction with native speakers quite possible; taking active part in discussions in familiar contexts, accounting for and sustaining the students’ views.
Listening objectives:
Understanding extended speech and lectures and following even complex lines of argument provided the topic is reasonably familiar; understanding most TV news and current affairs programmes; understanding the majority of films in standard dialect.