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Metamorphism and Crustal Evolution

Code: ENVS212

Credits: 15

Semester: Semester 2

Building on previous study of mineralogy, igneous and structural geology, this module provides students with a foundation in the subject of metamorphism. From how and why atoms move around to form new minerals, through the textures of metamorphic rocks in hand specimen and how to interpret them, to the large-scale plate tectonic phenomena that drive everything. Delivery involves a combination of interactive lectures and practical sessions. Practicals involve thin section work, hand specimen examination, calculations and the study of geological maps. Metamorphic geology plays a pivotal role in unravelling the story of the Caledonides of Britain and Ireland, as it does in unravelling the history of the entire Earth. Students are assessed during term in using practical skills (thin section drawing, calculations, use of various graphical and pictorial techniques) and through a final theory exam in knowledge and understanding of the subject.