Human Health plays an increasingly important role in impact assessments in general and in environmental assessment in particular, both nationally and internationally. Requirements for the consideration of human health in environental assessment changed in recent years and there is now a much stronger emphasis on making sure human health effects are adequately considered. In environmental assessment, this does not only include bio-physical determinants of health, but also socio-economic deterinants. However, there is currently a very poor understanding of how this can be implemented in practice and the consultancy and public sectors are struggling to operationalise human health in environmental assessment. This module will help studnets appreciate what the consideration of human health means and how it can be achieved in practice. In this context, students will benefits from the activities of the University of Liverpool’s World Health Collaborating Centre on Health in Impact Asssessments. The module will be research and practice informed, enhancing employability. By definition, the module will come with authentic assessment, as the module will exclusively deal with authentic situations.