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Field Skills in Environmental Science

Code: ENVS425

Credits: 15

Semester: Semester 1

The module is focused on training in field-based methods, centred around three pairs of days, either two field-days or a field-day and analysis day (laboratory or data analytics). Initially, a series of sessions will introduce the environmental context of the field locations, provide an overview of useful data sources and materials (e.g. Digimap) and provide training on how to frame research questions about our environment. The skills training will then comprise three pairs of days, providing training in the field skills and follow-on analysis to tackle an environmental challenge, including how such data is used to inform management and monitor and evaluate its effectiveness. Each of the three field sessions is assessed, where in small groups the students will develop and apply field skills to address an environmental question and/or management solution. These questions will vary from year to year, and examples include assessing the role of green spaces in mitigating urban pollution, testing how saltmarshes are resilient to sea level change, exploring lowland sedimentary records for evidence of past sea level and coastal change, and evaluating the success of nature-based solutions in regulating flooding (e.g. slow-the-flow initiatives). The module will be assessed via three short white paper reports for specific stakeholders (e.g. Woodland Trust, Environment Agency) focused on the three environments and research questions.