How do editions of the literary works read and study come into being? What’s involved in their production? What textual complexities and difficulties might they obscure? And how far can or should an editor go in resolving these complexities and difficulties? The aim of this module is to show how your critical understanding and interpretation of Renaissance and eighteenth-century literary works can be enhanced by unlocking key aspects of their remarkable life and history on the page, from early printed forms through to present-day editions. Working with an expert team of tutors with current experience in the scholarly editing of early modern texts, Editing the Early Modern introduces you to key debates in textual theory, examines the specific editorial, challenges raised by works of Renaissance and eighteenth-century writes, and asks you to produce (and defend) your own scholarly edition of a passage from an early modern text. In this way, the module introduces you to the practice of scholarly editing, historical trends and current debates in editing and textual theory, as well as early modern printing practices and book history.