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Field Theory, Partial Differential Equations & Methods of Solution

Code: MATH282

Credits: 7.5

Semester: Semester 1

For XJTLU Students Only Maxwell’s equations elegantly describe the physical laws governing such things as electrodynamics. Related problems may be posed in terms of vector calculus, or in terms of differential equations. In this module, we revise vector calculus and field theory in three dimensions, using Stokes’ theorem and Gauss’ theorem to solve explicit physical problems; we evaluate path, surface and volume integrals, and derive general electrodynamic laws. We also consider both the ordinary and partial differential equations arising from real world problems related to Maxwell’s equations, and introduce some advanced methods for solving these (i.e. Fourier series, Fourier transforms, Laplace transforms), and further methods for approximating solutions (central difference methods in one and two dimensions).