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Code: MCMR003

Credits: 15

Semester: Semester 1

This module encompasses a series of topical lectures, interactive seminars and journal clubs focusing on recent advances and challenges in the field of Clinical Sciences. Diverse lecture topics and seminars will be delivered by leaders in their fields, highlighting the state-of-the-art methodologies linked to topical research areas. Linked journal clubs will be student led, critically discussing a topical research paper associated with the research area described in the accompanying lecture material. Students will have an opportunity to present published findings in an impactful manner, develop critical journal peer-reviewing skills and produce a state-of-the-art review linked to topical research areas. Students will gain critical appraisal skills and develop deeper understanding of experimental approaches and key research areas within Clinical Sciences alongside future-proofing transferable skill sets focused on digital fluency, confidence and global citizenship in line with the Liverpool Curriculum Framework.