This module aims to help students develop in-depth knowledge on urban design and enhance their design skills to address the complex urban challenges of our age. It intends to prepare students to become creative and problem-solving professionals. To do so, this module will introduce students to a wide range of urban design theories, design principles and processes which underpin the discipline of urban design. Students will have the opportunity to study and debate key issues in urban design, the disciplinary foundations of urban design, various topics about public spaces, the application of urban analytical techniques and methods for practice, as well as urban design governance in relation to the planning system. The module will draw examples or case studies from both the local and international contexts and encourage students to think critically about possible design interventions in different urban environments towards sustainable development and place-making.
Since this module is taught together with ARCH406 Urban Design which is a compulsory module for the accredited MArch programme in Architecture, ideally students who select this module need to have some design skills from previous training in Architecture, Planning or Landscape Architecture.