The module will address three main topics: hallmarks of cancer, cancer diagnosis and biomarkers, and cancer therapies & current challenges. These topics will be taught using various cancer models that have been selected based on the expertise at the University of Liverpool and to illustrate research, diagnostic and therapeutic problems.
This module will be taught by both scientists and clinicians who are experts in cancer research. The module will be taught through a combination of lectures, seminars, case-based learning tutorials and workshops. The lectures will convey basic knowledge and include examples of applications from actual research publications and the lecturer’s own research work.
The students will take part in case-based learning tutorials on critical appraisal of scientific seminars provided by cancer researchers. Workshops will cover literature search, referencing, and preparation of oral scientific presentations in preparation for the final assignment which is a conference style talk. A practical workshop will also cover tumour pathology and will train students in the identification and interpretation of tumour biopsies.
The module will be assessed via two assessments. The first assessment consists of a seminar report, based on a pre-recorded seminar provided by a cancer researcher. The final assessment will be an oral presentation, in which students will be required to give a conference-style lecture on an emerging cancer research topic related to one of the lectures and provide an abstract of their presentation.