The MRes in Advanced Biological and Biomedical Science provides students with high level research training within the Institute of Systems, Molecular and Integrative Medicine (ISMIB). Our aim is to develop research knowledge, skills and attributes including confidence and expertise, to contribute to the pursuit of further study or undertake roles in academia, or in the health sector, industry, education or other service sectors. The programme is suitable for bioscience graduates, intercalating medical or veterinary students, and science graduates who are interested in training in advanced biological and biomedical sciences. Students will become full members of a research group and take advantage of first-class facilities and an active research environment.
This is a 90-credit module that gives a direct authentic experience of conducting biological research. The module represents the second part of a two-part research project in the MRes Advanced Biological and Biomedical Sciences programme. Typically, students will work on a dedicated research project. The teaching approach relies upon research-led and enquiry-based learning with authentic assessments in the form of scientific reports, a scientific presentation and continual assessment of the student’s performance (Hallmarks of the Liverpool Curriculum Framework).