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Qualification type
BA (Hons)

Ancient History

UCAS code V110

Entry requirements
A level: BBB
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Study mode
3 years
Start date and application deadlines
Start date
September 2025
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Starts on:

We've set the country or region your qualifications are from as United Kingdom.

How to apply

Although the UCAS equal consideration date has now passed, many of our courses are still accepting applications from UK students for 2025 entry through UCAS.

The deadline for international students is 30 June 2025.

Combine this subject

With a combined degree, you can study two subjects as part of the same degree programme.

  • Choose from 30 subjects and over 300 combinations
  • Choose joint or major minor subjects
  • Adjust the weight of your subjects at the end of your first year
  • Same number of credits as single honours students
  • Same classes as single honours students
  • Appeal to a wide range of employers

Explore combined degrees for Archaeology, Classics and Egyptology courses

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We’re currently showing entry requirements and other information for applicants with qualifications from United Kingdom.

Please select from our list of commonly chosen countries below or choose your own.

If your country or region isn’t listed here, please contact us with any questions about studying with us.

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About this course

Studying Ancient History provides you with an understanding of the political, military, economic, social and cultural history of the Graeco-Roman world. The course also gives you the chance to investigate the close relationship between the ancient world and modern responses to it.


Explore the political, social and cultural history of Ancient Greece and Rome; examine how individuals and communities organised themselves, met the challenges of daily life and extraordinary events, and responded to change in the context of expanding horizons, shifting power relations and radical new ideas.

You will be encouraged to read, describe and comment on current research, tackling questions of central interest to ancient historians today, taking particular advantage of the research specialisms of staff within the Department.

You will develop the skills to read and analyse the surviving (and sometimes conflicting) evidence, allowing you to reach and present your own judgements convincingly on a variety of complex and controversial issues. You can also study Greek and/or Latin from beginner’s to advanced levels.

What you'll learn

  • Understanding of another culture through its history, literature, political and social organisation, and development of an informed sense of the similarities and differences between it and our own culture
  • Knowledge of Graeco-Roman history
  • Techniques and methodologies such as bibliographical and library research skills
  • Textual skills analysis
  • Critical responses to a range of viewpoints
  • Language and textual analysis in both Greek and Latin (through optional modules)
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We’re proud to announce we’ve been awarded a Gold rating for educational excellence.

Course content

Discover what you'll learn, what you'll study, and how you'll be taught and assessed.

Year one

Year one develops your knowledge of the main themes and events in Greek and Roman history, and the skills required to assess them. Further modules expand the range of sources (reliefs, statues, paintings, etc) with which you are familiar, and focus on how the ancient world worked.

Students take 30 credits of required modules and 30 credits of optional modules in each semester.

Students cannot take both Latin and Ancient Greek.  The choice of Latin or Ancient Greek language modules is dependent on level of ability.  As a general rule: beginners join CLAH401/2 or CLAH501/2; students with an AS join CLAH403/4 or CLAH503/4; and those with an A level join CLAH405/6 or CLAH505/6.  Students with other qualifications must seek guidance from the subject lead on the appropriate entry point for their studies.

Language modules must be taken in pairs across the session.

ALGY109, ALGY116, ALGY128, and ALGY123 are pre-requisite modules for Egyptology modules in years two and three.

Year two

Year two broadens your knowledge and improves the skills you have acquired through core modules on broad topics such as politics and the writing of histories or social and cultural themes. You will study ancient texts, reflect on the nature of history and shape your programme with optional choices.

Students take 60 credits of optional modules in each semester.

A minimum of 60 credits must be chosen from List A.  The remaining 60 credits may be chosen from Lists A-C, provided that no more than a total of 30 credits are taken from List C.  Students wishing to take modules from List C must check they meet any pre-requisites.

Students cannot take both Latin and Ancient Greek.  The choice of Latin or Ancient Greek language modules is dependent on level of ability.

Students wishing to take AGLY251 and ALGY252 must have completed ALGY128 and ALGY128 in year one.

CLAH222 requires prior approval and is subject to a suitable placement being sourced.  Students will not be able to register directly for this module.

Students may take 15 credits of optional cognate modules outside of their degree programme with permission from the subject lead.

Registration onto HLAC220 is only for students planning to undertake a Work Placement Year.

Year three

Year three modules centre on key figures and themes. They reflect the research interests of the Department and allow you to enhance your skills, depth and focus. Your dissertation will give you the opportunity to undertake detailed and independent research. You will have an expert adviser who will help you define the topic and give you advice on useful directions to take, but the subject matter itself will be your own choice.

Students take 45 credits of optional modules in each semester and a required dissertation (CLAH450).

Students wishing to take CLAH310 must have taken either CLAH105, ALGY109 or ALGY131 in year one. Students cannot register directly for this module.

CLAH450 is a ‘year-long’ module and which represents 15 credits in each semester.

Students wishing to take ALGY342 must have taken ALGY106 in year one.

Students wishing to take ALGY373 and ALGY374 must have completed ALGY128, AGLY251, and ALGY252 in Year 2.

Optional modules may be chosen from Lists A or B, provided that no more than 30 credits is taken from List B.  Students wishing to take modules from List B must check they meet any pre-requisites.

Students cannot take both Latin and Ancient Greek.  The choice of Latin or Ancient Greek language modules is dependent on level of ability.  As per the University Code of Practice on Assessment, students wishing to take CLAH401/402 or CLAH501/502 in year three can only do so if the remaining modules (totalling 90 credits) are at Level 6.

Students may only take ALGY213, ALGY288 or ALGY386 in their final year if they have not taken them before.

Students may take 15 credits of optional cognate modules outside of their degree programme with permission from the subject lead.

Combined degree

Choosing this subject as a combined degree

In this programme you can combine a study of the social, political, and cultural history of Ancient Greece and Rome equally with another subject. You will have the chance to study a wide range of periods and themes in social and cultural history.

In year one, you develop your knowledge of the main themes and events in Greek and Roman history, and the skills required to assess them.
Further modules expand the range of source material with which you are familiar.

Year two broadens your knowledge and improves the skills you have acquired. You will study ancient texts and reflect on the nature of history.

Year three modules centre on key figures and themes reflecting the research interests of the Department. You have the option of writing a dissertation on a research topic of your choice.

Teaching and assessment

How you'll learn

Modules are delivered by a mixture of lectures and seminars in year one, in year two the lecture element within modules is complemented by student led seminars. Finally, in year three, most modules are delivered by a short series of lectures with a focus on student-led seminars thereafter. Self-directed study is also expected through the course reading list and conducting research for your essays and projects. Academic staff area regularly available via their office hours for one-to-one feedback and support. Course material is available 24-hours a day on Canvas, our online learning platform, and study support is available from our dedicated student services team.

Lectures combine the delivery of information and themes with discussion and demonstration of method and analysis, to address core topics and questions.  These are lecturer-led, and may involve class discussion and group work.

Seminars are small class discussion groups at which students have an opportunity to explore evidence and scholarship to answer questions, building on independent research or other relevant preparation.  In seminars, the teachers act as a facilitator and guide, co-ordinating, guiding, and reacting to student contributions. Language classes follow a seminar format.  Seminars may include oral presentations by individuals or groups of students.

Independent study: students support and prepare for their in-class learning by undertaking independent study.  This normally involves reviewing lecture content, follow-up reading of sources and scholarship relating to lecture topics, preparing answers to questions set for seminar discussion through prior reading of sources and scholarship.

How you're assessed

Ancient History is assessed in a variety of ways.

Examination: learning outcomes are demonstrated in student performance through preparation for and the sitting of an examination. Such examinations may cover essay-based work (usually by selection of a set number of questions), source analysis (usually by selection of questions or a commentary on an ancient source) or language work (mostly translation and commentary of set passages).

Assessed coursework, including essays, commentaries, posters, and projects: learning outcomes are demonstrated in student performance through the preparation and delivery of a piece of work as an act of self-directed learning with full access to all the relevant learning and research tools and supports.

Seminar portfolio: a critical summary of seminars presented by students reflecting on the material discussed in seminars and subsequently researched and presented as a discussion of the topic or theme.

Class tests, primarily in language modules: learning outcomes are demonstrated with regards to understanding, analysing and applying structures and concepts of grammar and syntax.

Oral presentations: modules summatively (and formatively) assess presentation skills and in several modules require the use of Microsoft PowerPoint.

Liverpool Hallmarks

We have a distinctive approach to education, the Liverpool Curriculum Framework, which focuses on research-connected teaching, active learning, and authentic assessment to ensure our students graduate as digitally fluent and confident global citizens.

The Liverpool Curriculum framework sets out our distinctive approach to education. Our teaching staff support our students to develop academic knowledge, skills, and understanding alongside our graduate attributes:

  • Digital fluency
  • Confidence
  • Global citizenship

Our curriculum is characterised by the three Liverpool Hallmarks:

  • Research-connected teaching
  • Active learning
  • Authentic assessment

All this is underpinned by our core value of inclusivity and commitment to providing a curriculum that is accessible to all students.

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Course options

Studying with us means you can tailor your degree to suit you. Here's what is available on this course.

Global opportunities

University of Liverpool students can choose from an exciting range of study placements at partner universities worldwide. Choose to spend a year at XJTLU in China or a year or semester at an institution of your choice.

Year in China

Immerse yourself in Chinese culture on an optional additional year at Xi'an Jiaotong Liverpool University in stunning Suzhou.

  • Learn Chinese
  • Study in a bustling world heritage city
  • Improve employment prospects
  • Study Chinese culture
  • 30 minutes from Shanghai
  • Learn new skills

Read more about Year at XJTLU, China

Year abroad

Broaden your world by spending an additional year of study at a partner university abroad following your second year of study.

  • Choose from up-to 26 countries
  • Experience another way of life
  • Inspire your future career or studies
  • Improved prospects of earning a 2:1 or First
  • More likely to earn higher salary
  • More likely to be employed after graduating

Where can I spend a year abroad on this course?

  • Australia
  • Canada
  • Hong Kong
  • Malaysia
  • Singapore
  • South Korea
  • USA

More about taking a year abroad

Semester abroad

Take a semester of your second year of study at one of our worldwide partner institutions.

  • Inspire your future career or studies
  • Improved prospects of earning a 2:1 or First
  • More likely to earn higher salary
  • More likely to be employed after graduating

More about taking a semester abroad

Summer abroad

Spend a summer abroad on a study placement or research project at one of our worldwide partner institutions.

  • Spend a summer abroad in addition to your degree programme
  • Study abroad without adding an extra year
  • Choose any summer between your first and final year of study
  • Get the chance to study subjects outside your discipline

Where can I spend a summer abroad on this course?

  • Hong Kong
  • Japan
  • South Korea

More about taking a summer abroad

Language study

Every student at The University of Liverpool can study a language as part of, or alongside their degree. You can choose:

  • A dedicated languages degree
  • A language as a joint or major/minor degree
  • Language modules (selected degrees)
  • Language classes alongside your studies

Read more about studying a language

Combine this subject

With a combined degree, you can study two subjects as part of the same degree programme.

  • Choose from 30 subjects and over 300 combinations
  • Choose joint or major minor subjects
  • Adjust the weight of your subjects at the end of your first year
  • Same number of credits as single honours students
  • Same classes as single honours students
  • Appeal to a wide range of employers

Explore combined degrees for Archaeology, Classics and Egyptology courses

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Your experience

The Department of Archaeology, Classics and Egyptology is part of the School of Histories, Languages and Cultures. Teaching takes place across campus, including in specialist facilities in the Central Teaching Hub.

Explore where you'll study

Abercromby Square Home to the Department of Archaeology, Classics and Egyptology
Environmental Sciences and Archaeology Laboratory
Garstang Museum of Archaeology
Special Collections and Archives
Central Teaching Laboratory
Female student painting ancient markings onto the wall of the Archaeology caveonto
Cave Painting

Virtual tour

Supporting your learning

From arrival to alumni, we’re with you all the way:

Why Archaeology, Classics and Egyptology at University of Liverpool?

  • Fantastic on-campus facilities such as the Garstang Museum with its outstanding archaeological collections and GIS suite for archaeological drawing
  • Our extensive laboratories used for conservation, lithics, geomagnetism, stable isotope, trace elements, finds processing and sample preparation
  • An enviable library which has been built up since the Ancient World and Archaeology has been studied at Liverpool since the 1880s
  • Opportunities to learn ancient languages such as Greek, Latin, Akkadian, Sumerian, Egyptian and Coptic
  • Archaeological projects based internationally, in Egypt, Greece, Bulgaria, Jordan, Turkey, Italy, Zambia, Kenya, Ethiopia and South Africa, as well as in the British Isles
Two students chatting while walking through campus.

Chat with our students

Want to find out more about student life?
Chat with our student ambassadors and ask any questions you have.

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Careers and employability

Graduates of this programme which combines a range of analytical skills can expect to have good access to careers in industry, commerce, finance, education, and public service.

The programme will also prepare students for postgraduate study or further training.

Our graduates progress to a range of careers including

  • banking,
  • law,
  • financial consultancy,
  • national and local government,
  • third sector work,
  • journalism, publishing,
  • teaching or work in heritage and culture organisations.

Recent employers include:

  • The National Trust
  • English Heritage
  • Civil Service
  • Archaeology South East
  • Police Service
  • Apple

88% of students go on to work or further study within 15 months of graduation.

(Graduate Outcomes, 2018-19.)

Meet our alumni

Hear what graduates say about their career progression and life after university.

Gavin and Sam smiling at the camera

Gavin and Sam, BA (Hons) History 2018

Gavin and Sam, History graduates from the University of Liverpool, were selected for the Santander Universities Emerging Entrepreneurs Programme to represent the University of Liverpool. In this short article, they discuss their business idea and their feelings about being nominated.

Politics alumni Joseph Howe in front of the London skyline

Joseph Howe, BA (Hons) History and Politics 2017

Can you tell us a little bit about your role at the House of Commons? “One of the best things about working in Parliament is that there really is no ‘typical day’. My role is to advise and work with the MP in responding to, and communicating, current affairs. On the Parliamentary side of things, […]

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My qualifications are from United Kingdom.

Fees and funding

Your tuition fees, funding your studies, and other costs to consider.

Tuition fees

UK fees (applies to Channel Islands, Isle of Man and Republic of Ireland)

Full-time place, per year - £9,535
Year abroad fee - £1,430 (applies to year in China)

International fees

Full-time place, per year - £24,100
Year abroad fee - £12,050 (applies to year in China)

The tuition fees shown are correct for 2025/26 entry. Please note that the year abroad fee also applies to the year in China.

Tuition fees cover the cost of your teaching and assessment, operating facilities such as libraries, IT equipment, and access to academic and personal support. Learn more about paying for your studies.

Additional costs

We understand that budgeting for your time at university is important, and we want to make sure you understand any course-related costs that are not covered by your tuition fee. This could include buying a laptop, books, or stationery.

Find out more about the additional study costs that may apply to this course.

Scholarships and bursaries

We offer a range of scholarships and bursaries that could help pay your tuition and living expenses.

The Liverpool Bursary

If you’re a UK student joining an undergraduate degree and have a household income below £35,000, you could be eligible for a Liverpool Bursary worth up to £2,000 for each year of undergraduate study.

Asylum Seekers Scholarship

Apply for an Asylum Seekers Scholarship and you could have your tuition fees paid in full and receive help with study costs. You’ll need to have applied for asylum in the UK, or be the dependant of an asylum seeker, and be joining an eligible undergraduate degree.

Care Leavers’ Opportunity Bursary

If you’ve spent 13 or more weeks in Local Authority care since age 14, you could be eligible for a bursary of £3,000 per year of study. You’ll need to be a UK student joining an eligible undergraduate degree and be aged 28 or above on 1 September in the year you start.

Cowrie Foundation Scholarship

Are you a UK student with a Black African or Caribbean heritage and a household income of £25,000 or less? You could be eligible to apply for a Cowrie Foundation Scholarship worth up to £8,000 for each year of undergraduate study.

Estranged Students Bursary

If you’re a UK student identified as estranged by Student Finance England (or the equivalent UK funding body), you could be eligible for a bursary of £1,000 for each year of undergraduate study.

Genesys Life Sciences Scholarship

Joining a School of Biosciences degree and have a household income of less than £25,000? If you’re a UK student, you could apply to receive £4,500 per year for three years of your undergraduate course.

Nolan Scholarships

Do you live in the Liverpool City Region with a household income of £25,000 or less? Did neither of your parents attend University? You could be eligible to apply for a Nolan Scholarship worth £5,000 per year for three years of undergraduate study.

Rigby Enterprise Award

Are you a UK student with a household income of £25,000 or less? If you’ve participated in an eligible outreach programme, you could be eligible to apply for a Rigby Enterprise Award worth £5,000 per year for three years of your undergraduate degree.

ROLABOTIC Scholarship

Are you a UK student with a household income of £25,000 or less? Did neither of your parents attend University? You could be eligible to apply for a ROLABOTIC Scholarship worth £4,500 for each year of your undergraduate degree.

Sport Liverpool Performance Programme

Apply to receive tailored training support to enhance your sporting performance. Our athlete support package includes a range of benefits, from bespoke strength and conditioning training to physiotherapy sessions and one-to-one nutritional advice.

Technetix Broadhurst Engineering Scholarship

Joining a degree in the School of Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Computer Science? If you’re a UK student with household income below £25,000, you could be eligible to apply for £5,000 a year for three years of study. Two awards will be available per academic year.

Young Adult Carer’s (YAC) Bursary

If you’re a young adult and a registered carer in the UK, you might be eligible for a £1,000 bursary for each year of study. You’ll need to be aged 18-25 on 1 September in the year you start your undergraduate degree.

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My qualifications are from United Kingdom.

Entry requirements

The qualifications and exam results you'll need to apply for this course.

Qualification Details
A levels


Applicants with the Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) are eligible for a reduction in grade requirements. For this course, the offer is BBC with B in the EPQ.

You may automatically qualify for reduced entry requirements through our contextual offers scheme. Based on your personal circumstances, you may automatically qualify for up to a two-grade reduction in the entry requirements needed for this course. When you apply, we consider a range of factors – such as where you live – to assess if you’re eligible for a grade reduction. You don’t have to make an application for a grade reduction – we’ll do all the work.

Find out more about how we make reduced grade offers.

T levels

T levels considered in a relevant subject.

Applicants should contact us by completing the enquiry form on our website to discuss specific requirements in the core components and the occupational specialism.


4/C in English and 4/C in Mathematics

BTEC Level 3 National Extended Diploma

BTEC applications are encouraged. We evaluate each BTEC application on its merits.

International Baccalaureate

30 points, with no score less than 4

Irish Leaving Certificate H2, H2, H2, H3, H3, H3
Scottish Higher/Advanced Higher

BBB in Advanced Highers, combinations of Advanced Highers and Scottish Highers are welcome

Welsh Baccalaureate Advanced Grade B plus A levels BB
Access Pass Access to HE Diploma in a relevant subject (e.g. Humanities or Social Sciences), 30 Level 3 credits at Distinction, 15 at Merit
International qualifications

If you hold a bachelor’s degree or equivalent, but don’t meet our entry requirements, you could be eligible for a Pre-Master’s course. This is offered on campus at the University of Liverpool International College, in partnership with Kaplan International Pathways. It’s a specialist preparation course for postgraduate study, and when you pass the Pre-Master’s at the required level with good attendance, you’re guaranteed entry to a University of Liverpool master’s degree.

English language requirements

You'll need to demonstrate competence in the use of English language, unless you’re from a majority English speaking country.

We accept a variety of international language tests and country-specific qualifications.

International applicants who do not meet the minimum required standard of English language can complete one of our Pre-Sessional English courses to achieve the required level.

Qualification Details
IELTS 6.5 overall, with no component below 5.5
TOEFL iBT 88 overall, with minimum scores of listening 17, writing 17, reading 17 and speaking 19. TOEFL Home Edition not accepted.
TOEFL Paper Grade 7 at Standard Level or grade 6 at Higher Level
Duolingo English Test 125 overall, with speaking, reading and writing not less than 105, and listening not below 100
Pearson PTE Academic 61 overall, with no component below 59
LanguageCert Academic 70 overall, with no skill below 60
Cambridge IGCSE First Language English 0500 Grade C overall, with a minimum of grade 2 in speaking and listening. Speaking and listening must be separately endorsed on the certificate.
Cambridge IGCSE First Language English 0990 Grade 4 overall, with Merit in speaking and listening
Cambridge IGCSE Second Language English 0510/0511 0510: Grade B overall, with a minimum of grade 2 in speaking. Speaking must be separately endorsed on the certificate. 0511: Grade B overall.
Cambridge IGCSE Second Language English 0993/0991 0993: Grade 6 overall, with a minimum of grade 2 in speaking. Speaking must be separately endorsed on the certificate. 0991: Grade 6 overall.
Cambridge ESOL Level 2/3 Advanced 176 overall, with no paper below 162
LanguageCert Grade 5 at Standard Level or grade 5 at Higher Level

Pre-sessional English

Do you need to complete a Pre-sessional English course to meet the English language requirements for this course?

The length of Pre-sessional English course you’ll need to take depends on your current level of English language ability.

Pre-sessional English in detail

If you don’t meet our English language requirements, we can use your most recent IELTS score, or the equivalent score in selected other English language tests, to determine the length of Pre-sessional English course you require.

Use the table below to check the course length you're likely to require for your current English language ability and see whether the course is available on campus or online.

Your most recent IELTS score Pre-sessional English course length On campus or online
6.0 overall, with no component below 5.5 6 weeks On campus
5.5 overall, with no component below 5.5 10 weeks On campus and online options available
5.5 overall, with no more than one component below 5.5, and no component below 5.0 12 weeks On campus and online options available
5.5 overall, with no component below 4.5 20 weeks On campus
5.0 overall, with no component below 4.5 30 weeks On campus
4.5 overall, with no more than one component below 4.5, and no component below 4.0 40 weeks On campus

If you’ve completed an alternative English language test to IELTS, we may be able to use this to assess your English language ability and determine the Pre-sessional English course length you require.

Please see our guide to Pre-sessional English entry requirements for IELTS 6.5 overall, with no component below 5.5, for further details.

Alternative entry requirements

  • If your qualification isn't listed here, or you're taking a combination of qualifications, contact us for advice
  • If you are returning to learning, have had a disrupted education or are switching career pathways, the one-year Go Higher diploma qualifies you to apply for University of Liverpool arts, humanities and social sciences programmes
  • Applications from mature students are welcome.
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Entry requirements: which qualifications do you need?

Contact us

Have a question about this course or studying with us? Our dedicated enquiries team can help.

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Last updated 7 November 2024 / / Programme terms and conditions

Changes to Ancient History BA (Hons)

See what updates we've made to this course since it was published. We document changes to information such as course content, entry requirements and how you'll be taught.

14 January 2025: Duolingo English Test requirements updated

Duolingo English Test requirements updated. See English language requirements for details of the revised requirements.

16 December 2024: Change to Year in Industry information

This course was updated to reflect the fact that an official “Year in Industry” option is not currently available.

7 June 2022: New course pages

New course pages launched.