How you'll learn
You will learn by attending lectures, laboratory sessions, tutorials and doing your own research on a specific topic. You are expected to complete all the set coursework and exercises as it is an important part of your learning.
How you're assessed
You will be assessed through various methods including final exams, quizzes, exercises, laboratory reports, presentations, oral examinations and a dissertation.
Liverpool Hallmarks
We have a distinctive approach to education, the Liverpool Curriculum Framework, which focuses on research-connected teaching, active learning, and authentic assessment to ensure our students graduate as digitally fluent and confident global citizens.
The Liverpool Curriculum framework sets out our distinctive approach to education. Our teaching staff support our students to develop academic knowledge, skills, and understanding alongside our graduate attributes:
- Digital fluency
- Confidence
- Global citizenship
Our curriculum is characterised by the three Liverpool Hallmarks:
- Research-connected teaching
- Active learning
- Authentic assessment
All this is underpinned by our core value of inclusivity and commitment to providing a curriculum that is accessible to all students.