About this course
The Music MRes allows you to undertake a one year full-time or two year part-time, research project in Music. The programme has pathways in musicology, composition, popular music performance, music psychology and creative music technology. You will work with experts in the field to produce a developed practical portfolio, dissertation or report.
Student research is diverse, which is facilitated by the design of the degree. Examples of past projects include critical work on topics such as music and UK politics, gender and musical theatre, technical projects such as using Max MSP in classical performance and augmented midi control for electric guitar, compositional portfolios from contemporary classical, modernism to folk songwriting and vapourwave. Whatever your interests your original research project can find a home in the MRES programme.
You will receive training in research skills which will support the development of your major research project through one-on-one supervision from one or more academic specialists in your subject area. Supervision is available from across the range of academic staff from within the Department of Music. Please see our staff pages for details of the diverse research interests of our staff members.
The MRes course supports the development of your research project with modules designed to develop your research skills. Students also take part in research focussed workshops and seminars.
The nature of the MRes encourages adventurous and exploratory research projects which are often interdisciplinary and can encompass a wide range of methodologies. The programme provides researchers with the critical and analytical skills needed to craft a final major project which can take the form of a detailed dissertation, a set of compositions, recordings, a prototype technology or other proposed and agreed upon outputs. You will engage in the wider cultural and critical aspects of the relevant area of expertise by undertaking research skills training modules before developing your project.
You will work closely with a research specialist in the musicological or practice-based fields in areas such as: musicology, popular music, music industries, composition, analysis, audio-visual media, music technology, or any applicable focus emerging from your proposed research topic. You will become part of our community of active researchers pursuing your own research interests in collaboration with an academic supervisor.
The MRes in Music provides excellent preparation for you if you are intending to to pursue a PhD in Music or the broader Arts and Humanities.