You should include a personal statement of no more than 700 words in support of your application. This should reflect on your understanding of the profession and relevant qualities valuable to a healthcare professional.
Applications are welcome from graduates with an honours degree in any subject. GCSE English and GCSE Mathematics at grade C or grade 4 or above, or equivalent, are also required.
An interview forms part of the selection process. The interview follows the values-based recruitment (VBR) process and you will be expected to demonstrate the relevance of the NHS’ values. Literacy and mathematics tests will also be conducted, in line with Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) requirements.
Recognition of Prior (Experiential) Learning RP(E)L
The NMC stipulate that the training of nurses responsible for general care must comprise a total of at least three years of study, which may in addition be expressed with the equivalent European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS) credits. This must consist of at least 4,600 hours of theoretical and clinical training, the duration of the theoretical training representing at least one third and the duration of the clinical training at least one half of the minimum duration of the training.
In order to achieve these hours, successful entry onto the programme includes a portfolio detailing recognition of prior learning (RPL) that amounts to 620 theory hours and 570 practice hours, which must be approved by the relevant RPL assessor. These hours, added to the programme hours, will amount to a total of 4,600 hours. The 570 practice hours should consist of verified prior experience of care provision – this can be through paid work and drawn from one, or a range of, settings in which care of people’s health and wellbeing is provided. This care may include the physical, cognitive, social, learning or developmental needs of children, families or adults.
Demonstration of this experience does not need to be in all areas highlighted here. Alongside working in traditional care environments such as hospitals and care homes, you could also have gained experience as a carer both formally and informally. This can be through paid or voluntary work. Working alongside those who access social care is also acceptable. The emphasis is on the process of providing care for others.
In keeping with NMC guidelines, evidence of such activity will need to be evidenced. Signed verification of these hours by the organisation(s) or individuals involved in the provision/ receipt of care where this work has been undertaken will be required.
In regards to theory, a number of educational experiences may count towards the required theory hours. Courses such as counselling, health and social care courses that can be classed as certified learning will all be considered.
Please note: Meeting the minimum criteria does not guarantee a place on the programme as competition is high. You are encouraged to present the strongest possible application.
Declaration of Criminal Background
You will understand that as a health sciences student, and when you qualify, you will be asked to treat children and other vulnerable people. We therefore need information about any criminal offences of which you may have been convicted, or with which you have been charged. The information you provide may later be checked with the police.
If selected for interview you will be provided with the appropriate form to complete.
Health Screening
The University and the School of Health Sciences has an obligation to undertake health screening on all prospective healthcare students. Any offer of a place to study is conditional on completion of a health questionnaire and a satisfactory assessment of fitness to train from the University’s Occupational Health Service. This will include some obligatory immunisations and blood tests. Please visit the Higher Education Occupational Practitioners website for further information.