I am a chemist with a strong background in supramolecular chemistry. During my MSc at the University of Strasbourg, I had the opportunity to work under the guidance of Prof. J.-P. Sauvage on the synthesis of mechanically interlocked molecules. Fascinated by "chemical topology," I decided to join the group of Prof. D. Leigh at the University of Manchester for my PhD to work on the synthesis of molecular knots. For my post-doctoral studies, I returned to the University of Strasbourg to work on systems chemistry and self-sorting with Prof. J.-M. Lehn, work that I finished at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology after being awarded an MSCA postdoctoral fellowship. In 2019, I joined BASF to work on dynamic covalent polymers based on thioureas. During my stay at BASF, I was also given the opportunity to develop my own line of research on transient self-assemblies. In 2021, I joined the group of Prof. Lee Cronin at the University of Glasgow to explore the automated synthesis of rotaxanes and the use of machine learning to suggest new plausible guests for a given host. In 2023, I joined the group of Prof. A. Cooper to further my knowledge in the digitalization and automation of chemistry.
Outside the lab, I am the dad of two fast-growing boys and a little girl. I am a coffee snob, and I enjoy spending my time lifting heavy things (powerlifting).