An Introduction to Philosophy through Thought Experiments

Wednesday, 6 - 8pm

Start Date

16 October, 2024

There will be 8 weekly meetings on Wednesday, 6 - 8pm, starting from 16 October. 


Is it wrong to lie to an axe-murderer who asks where your friend is? If we replaced a ship’s planks one-by-one with new planks, until no original planks remained, would it be the same ship? What if we built another ship with the old planks - would that be the original ship or a new one? If given a ring of invisibility, most of us would seek to improve our own stance. What does that tell us about human nature? Thought experiments are devices used by philosophers to plug our intuitions, explore different positions, reasons, and justifications, and even raise further questions, about some topic or domain of reality. In this course, we’ll take a tour of philosophy by way of these devices, exploring how cows, violinists, zombies, and watches can wreak havoc on what we think of reality.


1 — Political Philosophy
2 — Normative Ethics
3 — Applied Ethics
5 — Aesthetics
4 — Philosophy of Mind
6 — Metaphysics
7 — Epistemology
8 — Philosophy of Religion

Please note that the ‘last date available to book’ date is only a guide. We reserve the right to close bookings earlier if courses are over- or under-subscribed. In order to avoid disappointment, please be sure enrol as soon as possible. Registrations will not be processed until the following day if received after 3pm. 

Course Lecturer: Dr Harry Drummond

Harry completed his PhD at the University of Liverpool, and his research attempts to answer long-standing questions in the philosophy of art by way of contemporary research in philosophy of mind relating to how the body and other people, not just the brain, shape cognition. He has also published in peer-reviewed and public philosophy venues, presented his research across Europe from Kent to Catania, taught undergraduate students and previous Continuing Education courses, and has engaged in editorial work with academic journals. 

Courses fees: Full fee £125/Concession £65.

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