European Literature in Translation: The European Crime Novel

Friday, 11am - 1pm

Start Date

31 January, 2025

There will be 10 weekly meetings on Friday, 11am - 1pm, starting from 31 January. 


This long-running, stimulating and rewarding course aims to consider a range of works of European literature in translation. Over the years books from many countries have been studied, including France, Russia, Italy and Scandinavia, and their specific and broader contexts always form part of the group's discussions.

This term we will be looking at European crime fiction, from Simenon onwards. Crime writers provide a huge amount of social detail about the societies in which their characters live and work and thus they offer compelling portraits of life in many countries across Europe. We will look at the similarities and differences between several authors’ work in this popular genre. Students generally read texts in advance of the classes, and sections are read and discussed alongside appropriate critical writings.

There is perhaps no better way of exploring ideas, thought and life than through literature and the enthusiasm of tutors and students alike on the course reflect this. Though led by a tutor, group discussion is a central element of the course with participants bringing a wonderful range of experience, knowledge and enthusiasm to bear.


Week 1  Introduction to  European crime fiction - overview, some extracts, initial discussion

Week 2  Background to Simenon, initial readings of Pietr the Latvian

Week 3 Pietr the Latvian

Week 4 Background to Josef Skvorecky, initial readings of The End of Lieutenant Boruvka

Week 5 The End of Lieutenant Boruvka

Week 6 Background to Jakob Arjouni, initial readings of Happy Birthday, Turk!

Week 7  Happy Birthday, Turk!

Week 8 Background to Manual Vazquez Montalban, initial readings of An Olympic Death

Week 9 An Olympic Death

Week 10 Reflections on the term’s reading

Please note that the ‘last date available to book’ date is only a guide. We reserve the right to close bookings earlier if courses are over- or under-subscribed. In order to avoid disappointment, please be sure enrol as soon as possible. Registrations will not be processed until the following day if received after 3pm. 

Course Lecturer: Mark Halton 

I am a retired English teacher with a lifelong interest in European languages and literature and have been a student on this course for several years. My MA from Liverpool was in Victorian Literature. We work as a group and students bring a stimulating range of experience and opinion  to the classes.  Seminars on the course will be largely tutor-led but there is always the opportunity for group members to lead discussion on topics of particular interest to them. No former knowledge or experience of European languages is required. All are welcome.

Courses fees: Full fee £155/Concession £80.

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