LCI China Day Schools Visits

This Autumn term the Liverpool Confucius Institute (LCI) welcomed several schools from across Merseyside, including Liverpool Toxteth schools Windsor Primary, Kingsley Primary and St Cleopas Primary, as well as Calday Grange Grammar School, West Kirby on The Wirral, providing China Day activities such as traditional Chinese papercutting, led by LCI teaching staff.
School teachers and students arrived at the LCI Space at 126 Mount Pleasant, University of Liverpool, to receive a warm introduction from Deputy Director (UK) Dr Penny Ding, Deputy Director (China) Dr Hua Zhang. This was followed by a craft workshop with experienced Mandarin and Chinese Craft Teachers Ms Lili Yang, Ms Yuqiao Cai, Ms Ziwei Guo and LCI Head Teacher Dr Lei Peng.
LCI teachers explained the history of the art of Chinese papercutting, which directly translates as window flower, and its importance in Chinese culture such as during festival periods like Chinese New Year.
Students enjoyed a demonstration of papercutting by the teachers, followed by an opportunity to create their own Chinese papercutting masterpiece, including famous Double Happy Chinese characters.
A teacher from Windsor Primary School, said: “Our Y6 children enjoyed a Mandarin taster and paper cutting, and learnt something about the Chinese culture. They had a good time at your LCI space.”
A Year 10 student from Calday Grange Grammar School, West Kirby, said: “The Chinese teacher was very patient to teach us to do the paper cutting. In one hour, we could cut double happiness, rabbit and window flower. We enjoyed the craft very much. It was amazing.”
Working in collaboration with the University of Liverpool’s Widening Participation team and Liverpool City Council, the LCI provides language and cultural activities to schools and colleges across Merseyside.
We offer a unique learning experience with a variety of stimulating activities that explore the differing aspects of Chinese culture. These include Chinese calligraphy, brush painting, paper cutting, dance and Mandarin Chinese language sessions.
All our activities can be adapted to suit your requirements and can be held at the Liverpool Confucius Institute (LCI) or in the school itself.
To find out more about these opportunities contact
Find out more about the Liverpool Confucius Institute (LCI).