On behalf of everyone here in the Department of Computer Science, I would like to welcome our new students. We currently have over 50 members of academic staff and more than 15 members of professional services staff who provide excellent support for the running of the Department.
Like other University departments, we see ourselves as having a dual role: in research, aimed at developing new knowledge and understanding of the subject of Computer Science, and in teaching and learning, through which we seek to pass on this knowledge and understanding to others. In our University, the two activities are interwoven, and both staff and students participate in both. The distinction between teachers and students is not as clear as it is in earlier education; we see learning as a cooperative process that requires effort from both sides.
In addition to our research-led teaching, we also provide support for developing students’ employability skills through a variety of formal and informal activities that students can participate in. You will probably find that study at the University will be more open-ended and less tightly structured than you have been used to. It may take you some time to familiarise yourself with the organisation and ways of working of the University and the Department. Don’t worry if you find these changes difficult at first; you will not be the only one feeling this way. I am sure that you will soon get used to the new way of life and study here.
Beyond the support offered by staff, the Department has a lively student society, CompSoc, which organises a variety of activities for computer science students to get involved in and meet others who are also studying the subject at our University.
Finally, please remember that my colleagues and I are here to help you in any way we can. We have a dedicated student experience team that is very experienced in advising and helping students. Each student also has an Academic Advisor who can be contacted to provide advice on academic matters throughout the duration of your studies. We all hope that your time at the University of Liverpool will be a happy and rewarding experience for you, and we will do our best to make it so.
I look forward to getting to know you during the coming year.
Professor Martin Gairing, Head of Department of Computer Science
Part of the School of Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Computer Science
The School of Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Computer Science is comprised of two complementary departments (the Department of Electrical Engineering & Electronics and the Department of Computer Science). The two departments are well matched, thus allowing students in both to benefit from the experience and know-how available across the entire school.
Visit the School's website here.
What to do next
Getting Ready
Your wait is nearly over, and we can’t wait to welcome you. Explore these web pages to discover how you can prepare to start University, what to do when you arrive in Liverpool, and how to quickly settle in and find your feet.
These pages contain information about what you can do now to prepare for life as a University student. You will find guidance on a range of preparatory activities, from activating your computer account and email address, scheduling your Liverpool Welcome activities, and finding out more about the Student Guild, the Sports Centre and the campus libraries.
Teaching and learning plans for 2024-25
Your learning experience will be focused on in-person teaching sessions on the University campus. These activities will include timetabled sessions such as lectures, seminars, tutorials, workshops, and laboratory-based activities. Wherever possible, you will be expected to attend your timetabled sessions on campus.
While most of your learning sessions will be on campus, those activities may be supplemented by online sessions in some modules. Both on-campus and online sessions will be scheduled clearly in your personal timetable, and each module lecturer will explain the arrangements for their module at the start of the semester.
You will also be expected to undertake independent study, outside of your timetable, and you will have access to our two libraries to support you with this.
Registering as a student
An important first step is to register as a University of Liverpool student. While these Welcome pages contain some introductory information, you will be able to access further guidance, about your own Department and study programme, after you have registered,
As soon as your place has been confirmed you should register yourself as a University of Liverpool student by clicking on the link below and following the instructions. This will give you a username, which allows to you login to internal student-specific sites, and access guidance about your own Department and study programme.
Your teaching timetable
You will be able to access your teaching timetable via the Timetable Portal and the Timetables app. Your timetable should be available from the middle of January, close to the start of Semester 2.
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