Postgraduate Taught Masters Programmes

As a postgraduate masters student, you will be a valued member of our community, welcome to attend seminars, research presentations and events.

Which master's programme is suitable for me?

I have a Computer Science related degree*. What programmes within Computer Science am I eligible to apply for?

  • MSc Advanced Computer Science
  • MSc Advanced Computer Science with a Year in Industry
  • MSc Advanced Data Science and Artificial Intelligence
  • MSc Advanced Data Science and Artificial Intelligence with a Year in Industry
  • MSc Theoretical Computer Science
  • MSc Theoretical Computer Science with a Year in Industry.

*Computer Science Related Degrees may include degree titles such as: Computer Applications, Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Computer Applications and Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science and Software Engineering.

Please note this list is not exhaustive, and any Computer Science related degree should contain a significant amount of computer science related modules to be relevant (as assessed by Department of Computer Science).

I do not have a Computer Science related degree and I'm interested in learning more about this field. What programmes within the Department of Computer Science am I eligible to apply for?

  • MSc Data Science with AI
  • MSc Data Science with AI with a Year in Industry
  • MSc Computer Science (Science or Engineering background in Mathematics or Physical Sciences required).

Postgraduate courses within the Department of Computer Science

Computer Science

Advanced Computer Science

Theoretical Computer Science 

Advanced Data Science and Artificial Intelligence

Data Science

Watch our videos to find out more Data Science and AI:

MSc Data Science and AI - Dr Martin Gairing

MSc Data Science and AI - Dr Liam Brierley

MSc Data Science and AI - Professor Katie Atkinson

The importance of diversity in the industry

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