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Study abroad

Taking advantage of international opportunities has huge personal and academic benefits, as well as giving you a headstart in the graduate job market. The Department of Computer Science offers a wide range of international opportunities, for spending a period abroad, either during your degree or by extending the duration of your degree.

Year abroad

This is an amazing opportunity to spend an academic year at one of our partner universities around the world studying modules to help you learn about your host country and/or related to your degree subject in Liverpool.

Your degree will extend by one year, so, for example, a standard 3-year BSc programme will take 4 years. You’ll have your time abroad recognised in your degree title, too, to help you stand out in the employment market after graduation.

Where will I be able to study during the year abroad?

Wherever we can, we have Year Abroad places at the majority of our partners. Have a look at the Global Opportunities search tool to see where you could spend your Year Abroad. Note: Year Abroad is available between the second and third years.  In the search tool, when selecting 'What year of study are you in at the moment?'  insert 'Year 2/Second year' in order to see the Universities currently available for a year abroad on this programme.

Year in China

The year in China is the University of Liverpool's exciting flagship programme, enabling undergraduate students the opportunity to spend one year at our sister University Xi'an Jiatong-Liverpool University (XJTLU), following XJTLU's BA in China studies degree classes. 

You can find more information at this link here or you can contact the international opportunity advisor

Semester abroad

Spend one semester of your second year studying in one of our partner universities around the world. This will happen in your second year for all programmes, including those with a year in industry. This option will not add any extra time to your degree, and it is credit-bearing, meaning that the grades you achieve abroad count towards your degree.  

You will apply around February of your first year, and in order to be eligible, you have to obtain an overall average of 60% on your first-year modules, with no fails. The Department of Computer Science has an additional requirement, which is that you must achieve a minimum score of 55% in COMP122 Object-Oriented Programming. 

You can find out which institutions you can go to by using the search tool at this link, or you can contact the international opportunity advisor. Note: Semester abroad is during your second year.  In the search tool, when selecting 'what year of study are you in at the moment?'  insert 'Year 1/ First year' in order to see the Universities currently available for a semester abroad on this programme.

Note: Students on a year in industry programme interested in studying for a semester abroad are expected to take the mandatory module “planning your career (COMP221)” during semester one of year two – they will attend the module via distance learning, on VITAL, and they will be expected to submit their assignment online. In recognition of this, they will be allowed to take fewer credits abroad. 

Summer abroad

Boost your knowledge and skills by taking the unique opportunity to attend programs of leading professors abroad. In addition to in-depth computing topics, you will gain essential technical skills in interdisciplinary areas such as finance, marketing and management. The programmes do not count towards your degree and do not add any extra time. There is no minimum requirement, and there are a number of funded places. You can find more information here or you can contact the international opportunity advisor.

Apply to register your international activity 

Have you undertaken any international experiences over the summer holidays, either as something you organised yourself or through the University? If you did, you can apply to have this information added to your heart to indicate that you have completed extra-curricular activities outside of your studies. Please contact the international opportunity advisor for the international experiences HEAR registration form.

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