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Terry has been research in the area of agent-based computing and knowledge-based systems and services for the last 20 years, and has published more than 170 peer-reviewed papers in the area. His specific interest is in the use of ontological knowledge for the support of agent-based service discovery and provision and is currently exploring the exploration of dialogue-based negotiation approaches to establish contextually-relevant ontological alignment between interacting agents on the fly. This supports the longer term aim of describing, discovering and utilising capability descriptions that agents offer or exploit when collaborating within open and pervasive environments, such as the Internet of Things. He has received numerous research awards, including a Best Industrial Paper award in 2006, and two Distinguished Research paper awards in 2011 & 2012 that recognised his fundamental contribution to his research field his research. He was also awarded a University Learning & Teaching Excellence award in 2013 and 2016 for innovative and technology enhanced teaching, and his teaching was also recognised by the student body in 2016 when he was awarded the Guild of Students Best Teacher (Faculty of Science) Award.

Prizes or Honours

  • Liverpool University Guild of Students Teacher of the Year Award (Science & Engineering) (University of Liverpool Guild of Students, 2016)
  • University Learning & Teaching Excellence award for Technology Enhanced Learning (University of Liverpool, 2016)
  • University Learning & Teaching Excellence award for innovative teaching (University of Liverpool, 2013)
  • SWSA 2012 10-yr Distinguished Paper Award (SWSA - Semantic Web Science Association, 2012)
  • SWSA 2011 10-yr Distinguished Paper Award (SWSA - Semantic Web Science Association, 2011)
  • 2006: AAMAS 2006 DARPA Award for Best Industrial and Applied Paper (Autonomous Agents and Multi Agent Systems Conference, 2006)