Algorithmic Game Theory

The group carries out research in the computational foundations of economics/game theory. This group is led by Dr John Fearnley.

The focus of the group is on research in algorithmic game theory, which is at the interface of economics and computation. Algorithmic game theory looks at situations with strategic users and aspires to explain and provide guarantees for their strategic outcomes (equilibria). Important examples of such strategic environments are markets (financial markets, auctions) and traffic systems.

Our core research topics are:

  • Auctions and mechanism design: looks to design mechanisms that achieve some desired outcome, such as designing an auction that maximises an auctioneer's profit. We also look at cost-sharing mechanisms, to decide how the cost of some system outcomes should be shared among users, for example, Google's main source of revenue comes from sponsored search auctions that decide what sponsored adverts are shown next to the search results.
  • Evaluation and computation of equilibria: focuses on the strategic behaviour of users and their sub-optimal outcomes when exposed to different environments. We quantify the loss of system quality that the strategic behaviour causes and ways to mitigate those effects.
  • Social choice: combines individual preference to reach a collective decision, for example, a committee electing a leader using a voting system. We have proposed a new voting system called 'majority judgement' that brings many advantages over traditional voting systems.


Academic staff members of this group are:

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