Opening hours

Computer science building opening times

Week days

The computer science building is open 24 hours for PhD students and staff only.

  • Undergraduate & MSc. non-lab users: 0900-1700
  • Undergraduate & MSc. lab users during term: 0900-2000
  • Undergraduate & MSc. lab users out of term: 0900-1700
  • Everyone must use the signing in book from 1800-2000. 

All George Holt labs close at 2000.
For bank holidays weekend hours are to be followed

Weekends : Sat & Sun
OPEN : 24 hrs (PhD, Staff only - signing in book MUST be used).

Lifts not to be used outside working hours except for those requiring mobility assistance
Any problems during out of hours contact campus support on 0151 794 2222
Lone working : lone working risk assessment needs to be signed and completed prior to work taking place – email risk assessment to

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