Computer Science at the VG&M family event

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Image of the VG&M

On August 11th 2021 the Department of Computer Science contributed a table-top activity to the family events at the Victoria Gallery and Museum.

In two 90min sessions families could engage in a variety of science-related activities. At our Computer Science table, children solved an alien classification puzzle in 3 difficulty levels and explored image classification hands-on with Google's Teachable Machine on tablets, using the nice surroundings of the University Quadrangle as their data.

It was inspiring to see the devotion of our young guests for solving the puzzles, and served as a great conversation starter about Computer Science and machine learning with their parents.

Image of child learning at the VG&M family event


To enquire about Computer Science Outreach activities please contact

You can read more about Outreach in the School of Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Computer Science here