BSc, 2015

Current role - Software Developer at Legal Logic Systems 


About me:

I graduated in 2015 with a 1st in Computing. I had never programmed before but wanted to learn, and it was definitely one of the best decisions I have ever made.

The course was a brilliant mix of challenge and interest, and I enjoyed it greatly. After my second year I did an industry placement with a small software company who later hired me, once I had graduated. I would strongly recommend anyone, doing a Computer Science or related degree, to do an industry placement. Whether it is in the form of a year away from studies or a summer internship or even a part-time job, any experience will benefit you immensely. For me, being able to apply what I had learnt, in a commercial setting, really helped the concepts fall into place.

I now work for a company that creates case management systems for solicitors. Though this doesn’t sound particularly glamorous, from a programming point of view, it is actually a very interesting job. It encompasses a range of projects, and languages from translating and updating legacy software to writing image manipulation programs and dealing with big data. I really enjoy my job, it is great mix of good people and interesting work. I thoroughly recommend starting out at a small company, as the amount of responsibility you get and the range of jobs you are tasked with mean that you really get the opportunity to prove, and find out yourself, what you can do.