Bringing access to data careers, data analytics and interpretation for all

  The CBF is committed to bridging the gap for underrepresented communities in the profession. We continuosly engage in a variety of activities but we are always keen to engage in more. Please contact us with any ideas.

IWD Scholarship

IWD Scholarship

Statistics show that only 25% of data science professionals are women. However, it is a field with high demand. In research in particular, the ever-growing capacities for data generation with techniques such as multi-omics, the digital access to medical records or imaging data put at the forefront the need to train more professionals in data science, machine learning and artificial intelligence. We have launched this scholarship to provide better opportunities to women, particularly those coming from a career break.

Courses bursaries people in an audience

Delegate bursaries

We believe that the access to training should be democratised and open to all. Throughout the year we run a number of free training seminars and we also offer delegate bursaries to access our courses tuition free . These are currently open to only University of Liverpool delegates.

Mentoring the new generations Group of girls from local school visiting the Biosciences building

Mentoring the new generations

We participate on different events to inspire the new generations to pursue careers in stem. For example, we work with the Girls’ Network, a charity which mission is to inspire and empower girls from the least advantaged communities by connecting them with a mentor and a network of professional female role models. Check this and other initiatives here.

Ada Lovelace day Ada Lovelace Day

Events to promote careers in data

The CBF has organised a number of events to promote careers in data. These range from commemorative multidisciplinary events, such as the Ada Lovelace day to more targeted events such as the event "Women in data science", a round table session to discover the barries, challenges and success that a group of women at various stages of their career have faced.

Targeted Workshops Eva welcoming youngsters to the CBF stand

Targeted Workshops: Events for 5 - 11 year olds.

For many children, their first exposure to programming is via the media where it will often be portrayed as something borderline arcane that ordinary people can't hope to understand. In addition, programmer characters are rife with stereotypes or lack any development. We want to change the perception of programming to something fun and accessible.