Sophia Riley, Communication and Media BA "Step outside of your comfort zone because that’s where all the personal development and fun happens!" Jiaqi Zhao, Communication and Media BA "Although, it is quite a small city, it is very lively as you’ll always find a local who is more than happy to have a chat with you." Hannah Percival, Communications & Media and Business Studies (50:50 joint honours) "I used to be petrified about speaking out loud in class but it really makes such a difference to your learning if you put in what you want to get out." Molly Russell, Communication and Media BA "I chose to study Communication and media because it had a really wide range of topics on film, mainstream media and the theoretical analysis of media." Kayane Thomas, Communication and Media BA "Another reason for Liverpool was that is a city with a community spirit. You could go in to get a bacon roll in the morning and make a friend." Liam Lowe, Communication and Media BA "It’s an amazing university in a great city that I have visited numerous times in the past." Yen, Communication and Media "You don’t need to be so stressed in your first year. Enjoy your time as much as you can and play a sport or join a society as soon as possible." Emmey Little, Politics and Communication Studies "I have developed documentaries where my degree has been super helpful but it also helped me understand how TV works in this country."