The Liverpool City in Film On-line Catalogue
The City in Film catalogue lists approximately 1700 films of Liverpool from 1897 to the present day, with a particular emphasis on recording the way the city's urban landscape has been represented.
Each record provides information that includes: date, duration, genre, director/production credits, format (35mm, 16mm, 9.5mm, VHS, etc), colour/b&w, a general synopsis, the name and contact details of the archive holder or collector and viewing information. Additional reference or catalogue details are provided where applicable.
Please note that while the compilers of the catalogue have endeavoured to provide a comprehensive listing of all Liverpool films (including feature films shot in and around the city), in terms of the information collated, the main objective has been to focus on material that documents locations, landmarks and buildings that have comprised Liverpool’s historical urban landscape. As such, listings for documentary and other non-fiction genres (including newsreels, amateur films, travelogues, promotional films, etc.) provide more detailed contextual and spatial information than, for example, feature productions. For those interested in finding out more about specific Liverpool features, the information provided (title, date, director, producer) will enable users to conduct further enquiries in other reference sources such as the Internet Movie Database.
In addition to searches by genre, date, format, etc. users can also therefore search the catalogue by spatial and geographic information specific to each title: 1) a list of locations and buildings; 2) the architectural and urban space represented (e.g. public buildings and spaces, commercial and industrial areas, sites of leisure and recreation, education, health, religion, etc.); and 3) the spatial use or function of the various spaces (e.g. festivals and parades, transit and mobility, everyday life, commercial, leisure, contested and political spaces, etc.)
The catalogue will continue to be updated as and when information on archive film of Liverpool becomes available. If anyone has any footage of Liverpool (for example amateur films and home movie footage), or has information on material that we might wish to add to the catalogue, please get in touch.
When you have Finished searching, you must log out of the database by first clicking the grey arrow next to the City in Film logo in the top left hand corner of the page, and then clicking Log Out.
We would like to thank the following for all their help and support in the completion of this database:
Angus and Ena Tilston, Marion Hewitt and Nick Gladden from the North West Film Archive, Phil Wickham, Patrick Russell and Mark Duguid from the BFI, Philip Lunt from Granada TV, the Imperial War Museum, Vanessa Toulmin, Mike Knight, Martin Winchester, Alexis McNay, and all the individuals and organisations that made the successful completion of this project possible.
We also express our gratitude to the following archives and organisations for permission to reproduce descriptive information and data relating to films held in their collections.
For information on viewing or purchase of footage please contact the organisations direct
BBC TV: See North West Film Archive
National Film and Television Archive (NFTA)
21 Stephen Street
London W1T 1LN
Tel: 020 7255 1444, Fax: 020 7436 0165
British Movietone
Web: @BritishMovietone
British Pathe
Granada TV
Library Services
Quay Street
Manchester M60 9EA
Tel: 0161 832 7211 (main switchboard)
Imperial War Museum
Lambeth Road
London SE1 6HZ
Tel: 020 7416 5320, Fax: 020 7416 5374
North West Film Archive
The Manchester Metropolitan University
Minshull House
47-49 Chorlton Street
M1 3EU
Tel:0161-247 3097
Fax: 0161-247 3098