Our Research

Online Abuse and Discrimination in British politics: Women’s experiences and mitigation strategies Keyboard in the dark

Online Abuse and Discrimination in British politics: Women’s experiences and mitigation strategies

This project, funded by a British Academy/Leverhulme small grant, aims to establish to what extent online abuse impacts on the willingness of women and minoritized groups to work in politics and how they negotiate or mitigate the impact of these communications on their working lives by conducting a qualitative survey and semi-structured interviews to explore these experiences in more detail.

Towards a Neighbourhood Transformation Planning Tool Neighbourhood Transformation Planning team

Towards a Neighbourhood Transformation Planning Tool

In a project addressing the University’s commitment to inclusion and social responsibility, Dr Kerry Traynor (School of the Arts) and Dr Tom Moore (School of Environmental Sciences) collaborated with community partners to co-create a new online, interactive tool that helps community groups navigate the complex and often overwhelming process of community asset development.