#Men4Change Toolkit Launch - Tackling Harmful Gender Norms

Posted on: 13 February 2024 in Posts

Men4Change launch event

In March 2023, we hosted the launch of the #Men4Change Toolkit - Tackling Harmful Gender Norms, a resource compiled by Dr Fiona O’Rourke and Dr Craig Haslop based on their ESRC funded Lads on Social Media project. The digital resource is a research-informed educational resource for professionals who support young men in tackling harmful gendered norms and behaviours online and offline.

The day began with an overview of the research findings and the toolkit’s contents, which was then followed by an expert roundtable discussing how academic research can better inform gender transformative approaches to tackling sexual and gender-based harassment and violence online and offline. The roundtable included speakers from the charity sector, including Beyond Equality (the leading UK charity that works with boys and men towards gender equality, inclusive communities and healthier relationships in schools, universities, workplaces, and sports clubs) and Survivors Network, which supports survivors of sexual violence and abuse in Sussex, as well as academics including Prof. Jessica Ringrose (UCL), Dr Debbie Ging (Dublin City University), Prof Carolyn Jackson (Lancaster University) and Prof Vanita Sundaram (University of York).

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