Staff take on Liverpool triathlon challenge

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[caption id="attachment_8691" align="aligncenter" width="336" caption="Karen, Lynn and Diane"]triathlon challenge[/caption]

Three members of staff are taking part in the Liverpool triathlon in June.

On 26 June, Karen Ross, from Communication and Media, Lynn Clarke, Centre for Lifelong Learning, and Diane Frost, from Sociology & Social Policy, who are being supported by the University will be raising money for the Clatterbridge Centre for Oncology NHS Trust.

When they first decided to take on the challenge, their aim was to raise £200, but less than a week after their sponsorship page went live, they had already raised £315.

Lynn said: "We are grateful to the University and friends, families and colleagues who have been really supportive so far."

The trio are all looking forward to the event, although the thought of swimming in the Mersey with the jellyfish was a challenge to Karen, but since the loan of wetsuits from the University’s windsurfing club, she is feeling better about it.

To sponsor Karen, Lynn and Diane go to their Just Giving page.