Liverpool students win Washington internships

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Rory and Adam will be heading off to Washington DC to complete an eight week work placement

Two University of Liverpool students have been awarded the sought-after Washington Ireland Program (WIP) internships after being selected from more than 500 students across Ireland, Northern Ireland and Great Britain.

Adam Scott, who is currently studying for an MA in Understanding Conflict at the University’s Institute of Irish Studies, and Rory Beatty who is a Politics and Communication Studies student, are two of 30 successful candidates and will represent Northern Ireland and Ireland in the USA this summer.

Next generation of leaders

The Washington Ireland Program was set up in 1995 to inspire, prepare and support the next generation of leaders of post-conflict Ireland to face the challenges of the future. The University of Liverpool is the only partner outside Ireland involved in the initiative.

Both will intern in Washington D.C. as part of the six month programme of personal and professional development which culminates in an eight-week work placement at a Congressional office, Government department, business corporation or media corporation in the USA. The programme has strong links with the political elites in Washington D.C. with several interns working with then U.S. Senators Barack Obama and Hillary Rodham Clinton. [callout title= ]"The institute is very proud that this is the fourth year running that University of Liverpool students have been successful in getting a place on the programme" [/callout]

It is supported by the United States State Department, the Department of Education and Science in Ireland and the Office of the First Minister and Deputy First Minister in Northern Ireland.

Commenting on the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, Adam Scott said: "I'm thrilled to get this opportunity and really looking forward to making the most of it. It’s a little daunting - I've been chosen alongside some of the best students in Liverpool and across Ireland, but I've no doubt the experiences I get in D.C. will help me make a positive contribution to society when I come back."

Rory Beatty added: "I am hugely excited for the new challenges that this summer will bring and remain extremely grateful for the opportunity."

Peace, stability and prosperity

Professor Marianne Elliott, Blair Chair and Director of the Institute of Irish Studies, said: "I’m delighted that Adam and Rory have been successful in getting places in this year’s prestigious Washington Ireland Programme.

"It is a tremendous opportunity and will give them unique skills for their future careers. The institute is very proud that this is the fourth year running that University of Liverpool students have been successful in getting a place on the programme."

Hillary Clinton is a supporter of the Washington Ireland Program and its students. She said: "Many of WIP’s alumni are now emerging as a new generation of leaders committed to peace, stability and prosperity in both Northern Ireland and the Republic."

If you would like to track Adam’s and Rory's progress this summer, you’ll be able to follow their blogs and view photos from this year’s Class at the programme’s website:

