Economic and Social Research Council Impact Acceleration Account (ESRC IAA)

New funding received to maximise the societal and economic benefits from social science research.

Building on the University of Liverpool’s research strengths in social science and economic management, we have successfully secured a £1,250,000 Economic and Social Research Council Impact Acceleration Account (ESRC IAA) UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) grant for use between 2023-2028. This translates as an annual allocation of £250,000 to support a number of initiatives to deliver high impact projects, foster collaborative networks, accelerate knowledge exchange, provide training for academic staff and deliver public engagement activities.

IAA Projects

ESRC IAA supported projects will focus on driving impact in a wide range of social science, economic, management and digital fields. These projects are intended to pump-prime knowledge exchange and rapid response activities, including the placement of experts from or to the University and specialist industries. A core element of this funding will be used to build on existing project successes by creating a pathway for the delivery of meaningful and impactful projects to accelerate the translation of our world leading social science research into real world impact.

Knowledge Exchange and Networking

ESRC funding will support knowledge exchange and networking activities to explore and establish new partnerships between the University of Liverpool and industry, government, charity and academic institutions. These initiatives will also be used to strengthen strategically important relationships and create common-ground for new research and knowledge exchange opportunities.

Training and development

ESRC focusses on training academic staff to influence and navigate public policy and how to cultivate entrepreneurship. The new funding will be used to support training of Univeristy of Liverpool academic staff to improve their knowledge, ability and capacity  to deliver high impact research with real-world application.. This training will be coordinated through the new harmonised approach to IAA to further the reach and effectiveness of training opportunities.   

Festival of Social Sciences 

Research organisations that are awarded ESRC IAA funding also participate in ESRC’s annual, UK-wide Festival of Social Science. The Festival is an annual nation-wide period of events aimed at promoting public understanding and engagement with the social sciences. The theme of this year is ‘Lifelong Wellbeing’ and numerous activities will be taking place across Liverpool for the public to enjoy and engage with. Activities will be run by University of Liverpool staff and supported by local partner institutes. Further information about the festival will be publicised in the near future.

University of Liverpool staff:

Univeristy of Liverpool staff can read more about the harmonised IAA here and contact Christopher Taylor-Hughes, Harmonised Impact Acceleration Manager, at for further information.

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