KEF past performance
Further details on the Knowledge Exchange Framework (KEF), and the University of Liverpool's past performance can be found below.
About the Knowledge Exchange Framework
The Knowledge Exchange Framework (KEF), led by Research England, provides information about the different ways universities collaborate with external partners, from businesses to community groups, for the benefit of the economy and society.
The aim of KEF is to increase efficiency and effectiveness in the use of public funding for knowledge exchange (KE) and to further a culture of continuous improvement in universities. It allows universities to better understand and improve their own performance.
KEF is a metrics-driven assessment framework. Seven areas of knowledge exchange activity, known as perspectives, are measured:
- Research partnerships
- Working with Business
- Working with the Public and Third Sector
- Intellectual Property and Commercialisation
- Continuing Professional Development and Graduate start-ups
- Local growth and regeneration
- Public and community engagement.
Universities are grouped into ‘clusters’ with similar institutions for fairer comparison. The University of Liverpool is in Cluster V with 17 other very large, very high research intensive and broad discipline HEIs undertaking significant amounts of excellent research.
16 different KE metrics underpin the perspective results. The majority of data used is derived from HESA’s Higher Education Business Community Interaction Survey (HE-BCIS). Each KEF iteration uses the most recent 3 years of data. Most of the metrics are adjusted for the size off the institution, for example by dividing by total HEI income or student FTE.
Metric rankings are then calculated and collated to provide quintile scores for each of the perspectives.
Activity is measured for the university as a whole. There are no faculty-level or subject specific results.
Results are published annually in dashboards on the KEF website in dashboards. These show our quintile score in each perspective, relative to the cluster average. Screenshots of the results dashboards for each KEF iteration have been provided below.
Narrative statements submitted by institutions every three years are published alongside the results. These are not assessed but provide supplementary information for areas where the availability of metrics is limited, such as for public and community engagement and local growth and regeneration.
Past KEF results
KEF – 2023 Results
The KEF 3 results placed the University of Liverpool in the top quintile (Quintile 5, representing very high engagement) for Research Partnerships, Working with Business, and Working with the Public and Third Sector.
The results also recognised our high engagement (Quintile 4) in IP and Commercialisation, and Public and Community Engagement.
As well as being in the top quintile for Research Partnerships, Working with Business, and Working with the Public and Third Sector, the University’s performance exceeded the average score for the cluster. We were also in line with the cluster average for Local Growth and Regeneration, and Public and Community Engagement.
John Whaling, Lead Officer – Innovation & Commercialisation, Liverpool City Region Combined Authority (LCRCA), said: “It is great to see the University continue to perform strongly in the KEF results. This highlights the success of our UK-leading place-based approach to innovation and highly coordinated ecosystem where industry, academia and the public sector work exceptionally closely together. We are excited about what the future will bring as we work with the University to develop plans for the Liverpool Investment Zone, Freeport and enact our Plan for Prosperity and reach the goal of Research and Development spending reaching 5% of GVA by 2030.”
KEF 3 results were based on data from the years 2019/20 – 2021/22.
KEF - 2022 Results
Some technical changes were introduced in the second iteration, including the use of an evolved methodology, updated metrics, and enhanced presentation of the results. Most notably, the results for each perspective are presented in quintiles and not deciles. The changes were implemented following a deep-dive review of KEF 2021 with the sector to improve the robustness of the results.
The KEF 2 results placed the University in the top quintile (Quintile 5, representing very high engagement) for Research Partnerships, Working with Business, and Working with the Public and Third Sector.
The University also attained Quintile 4 positions (representing high engagement) for IP and Commercialisation, and Public and Community Engagement, and a Quintile 3 position (medium engagement) for Local Growth and Regeneration.
The University exceeded the cluster average for engagement in Research Partnerships, and Working with Public and Third sector. Our performance in Working with Business, Public and Community Engagement, and Local Growth and Regeneration was in line with the cluster average.
Jon Hague, Head of Clean Future Science and Technology, Unilever Homecare, and Chair of the LCRCA Innovation Board, said: “Unilever’s relationship with the University of Liverpool is seen as a best-in-class model for how the company interacts with universities worldwide. The collaboration has become an established, high-level strategic partnership, combining the University’s and Unilever’s research expertise to develop new materials and formulations, spin-out companies and co-funding of cutting-edge facilities. We are very pleased to see these achievements recognised in the Knowledge Exchange Framework.”
KEF 2 results were based on data from the years 2018/19 – 2020/21.
KEF - 2021 Results
The results of the first iteration of KEF were announced March 2021 with the University achieving a top 20% position for Research Partnerships, Working with Business, and Public and Community Engagement. The University was also in the top 30% for Working with the Public and Third Sector, top 40% for Local Growth and Regeneration, and top 50% for IP and Commercialisation.
Universities were ranked across a broad range of KE metrics for 2016/17 – 2018/19 which were then collated to provide decile scores across seven perspectives to highlight areas of strength.
Laura Pye, Director of National Museums Liverpool (NML), said: “NML and the University of Liverpool have partnered on a wide variety of Public and Community Engagement initiatives for many years, including, joint research, student placements and projects, access to our diverse collections and public events. We are thrilled to see the positive KEF results that highlight the high value the University brings to our sector, advancing knowledge, broadening participation, increasing impact among diverse audiences and contributing to the cultural life of our city.”
Further information about KEF can be found here.
View the University's KEF 2024 results here.
Contact us
If you require further information around KEF, please contact Steph Dolben, Knowledge Exchange Strategy and Evaluation Manager.
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Information for University of Liverpool staff
The University of Liverpool is committed to developing Knowledge Exchange that offers inspiring ways to address local, national and global challenges.
Research, Partnerships and Innovation (RPI) is your primary link to developing collaborations with organisations outside of academia . You can also access the Research Partnering Toolkit, your virtual guide to creating impactful and rewarding collaborations. Discover more on our Partnership Development webpages here.